CaptainRon's Imaginarium: Off-grid, indoor growing(DLA 5.3 Soma's Amnesia Haze), geothermal greenhouse build, a place to store my thoughts

@CaptainRon . I think we will be great friends. So the stripper was Coff’s wife? :thinking: Sorry. I get confused sometimes . :rofl: @FourFour . I have spent 35 years converting my lawn into a food forest. Also many medicinal herbs and forage plants for my animals. I think I am going to like you guys. :grin:


Yep, that was me with the ex wife dancer. Won’t do that again! lol


Awesome!! 35 years is long enough for a forest to grow, I bet that’s been very rewarding for you.
Makes me want to go plant some more trees… better get started before winter comes…


@FourFour . If you have not already, you should watch the British comedy “The Good Life” known in the USA as “Good neighbors” (1975). Its about a couple that are doing exactly what you are. We used to get stoned and watch it in the late 1970s as reruns. Funny shit !


Thanks I’ll check it out!


My brother @FourFour I’m so glad you finally decided to say hi! I have seen your name since the beginning of this project and I’m glad I can finally thank you for the love and support! Was always noticed and always appreciates :blush:.

@HighTilliDie so glad to have you back, brother! Was getting a little worried as I hadn’t seen you in a while. Hope everything is excellent on your end!

Mr. @Magu it sounds like you are a treasure trove of experience and information on much of what interests me with life. You and @FourFour are doing it right with a thriving oasis instead of the barren green yard. Which mine still is…
I have much work ahead but the simple joys of grabbing eggs from my girls, herb from my jars, and homemade kimchi from the fridge keeps the motivation strong.

‘The most sophisticated of men live the most simplistic of lives.’

I saw that quote 15+ years ago. Always thought it was Einstein but I have no proof to back it. Still resonates with me all the years later.


Just got a new job last month and im strapped for time now so i havent been on OG as much but i still try to check things out a few times a week even if i dont reply


Ha ha ha. Not really. :grin: I would describe it as a collection of mistakes that I shall not repeat again. :rofl: I learned a long time ago to not try to control things. Mother Nature will always do a better job. If I plant a tree and it dies, then obviously I put it in the wrong spot and the Universe corrected my mistake. :grin:
@CaptainRon @FourFour . 35 years ago this was an acre of lush, green lawn that I spent 4 hours mowing every saturday.

Now it is a young forest full of food and resources for me and my animals. The Universe will provide. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This right here. I always found this to be the only truth. I found that the key is to let go.

So far my conclusion to this experience in this reality is that this is all a dream and all you need to do is let go. Let the stream of life take you wherever she may. Trying to fight current and walk up stream is a task I gave up on years ago.

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream…


Day 10 of flower and we have the first signs of winter on one of the DLA’s :microscope: :cold_face::gem::snowflake:

Wasn’t going to post today but seeing trichomes so soon was too exciting not to share!

It’s funny how you can buy two packs of Bohdi Seeds for $90, get a third pack for free, and the genetics are 11/10.
I’ve spent $150 on dog shit genetics that hermed 3 weeks into flower.



Plants are looking fantastic. :v:


That is one a beautiful, even canopy my friend, good job :+1:t2:


@Magu is living in an oasis, I’d call mine the foundation of an oasis haha.


…and Wisdom!

Have either of you (or anyone else) read One Straw Revolution? I finished it a few days ago. The main theme is that humans can mimic Nature, but we can never improve on it. The harder we try, the more we’re wasting our time. The more we follow Nature, the better off we are. Great mentality to have, and great to see other people that share it.

There’s a lot of wisdom in old nursery rhymes and fables. For whatever reason our brains remember stories and songs. They’re ingrained in us when we’re young, and as we get older we start to realize the lessons in them. You wonder why some of them have lasted for so long, hundreds or thousands of years sometimes. It can’t just be because they’re catchy. There’s Truth in them.

Life is but a dream…

DLA’s look great! That’s a cool shot from the top, you can see the variation but you can tell they’re all sisters.


I have read all his books. He was a prophet for the modern world. :+1:


Our reality is just a stimulation of Vishnu’s dream - Hindu Cosmology


Happy Sunday OG. Hope the sun is shining wherever you may be.

Today is day 14 of flower. Stretch looked to have finished after day 10.
I read that running on the 12/1(gas lantern technique) light sch for veg, the plants will transition into flower quicker, shortening the overall flowering time. I only ran these for 1.5 weeks on 12/1 but it does look to hold some truth.
I wonder if this has any effect on the 20+week sativas as I have 2 I’d like to grow out and make more seeds of. We shall find out soon!

I was fighting high humidity after lights out and overall was not loving how snug the tent was feeling. I also found it hard to give everything adequate light so I made the call to remove DLA 10 giving me 5 plants now.
In hindsight I should have never popped the rest of the pack but here we are! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Super cropped one main to even out canopy.

The haze:


We started on 12/12 and I slowly worked down to 11/13 across the last 14 days.

Gave some gypsum and epsom salt(cal mag) Wednesday. Other than that just water.

Now that the brook has calmed I will be out there today collecting more material for the greenhouse. I don’t know how much progress I will get as the season is coming to an end.
Ive also recently made some design changes and am still figuring some others out. All in all, I am stoked at the progress and majority of the hardest parts are done. :muscle:
I’ll post a progress photo(s) later this week!

Here’s a little breathing technique that is excellent for anyone who smokes something a little to strong, prone to anxiety attacks, or feeling short of breath:
Take TWO quick inhales followed by a LONGER exhale. Repeat.
This forces the removal of more CO2 from the lungs and allows more oxygen in.
This is also a great starting technique for getting into meditation. :woman_in_lotus_position:

Cheers :potted_plant:


I have not, but took this as your recommendation :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: as well as what @Magu mentioned about him being a modern prophet, and downloaded the audio version. Audio books and podcasts are my main avenues of entertainment so keep the recommendations coming!

Wow, so I had no idea how much my personal thoughts of this experience align with Hinduism. Your comment inspired me to listen to the ’Bhagavad Gita’ for the first time and yeah, my curiosities have now only been expanded!
Can’t thank you enough for that :purple_heart:.

During the 8 years of OG event I ended up getting a participation trophy and one of the seeds I selected was an heirloom from Odisha, India from @Loggershands. I’ve been researching India’s history with cannabis; the word ’ganja’ is from Indian origin, brought their seeds to Jamaica during the North Atlantic slave trade… I’m bummed I was so ignorant to India’s role with ganja until now.
Other than kush.


Happy Sunday to you. @CaptainRon


Your personal thoughts are well aligned, fasting and living off grid close to nature promote cosmic consciousness.
You will find Indian spiritualism interesting, scientific and rewarding.
The Atharva Veda a few thousand years old holy text mentions hemp as one of the five scared herbs.
Hope you like growing the Odhisa and hope you also get the purple pheno and if you like some more Indian genetics I will be happy to share :slightly_smiling_face:



Tree Crops : A Permanent Agriculture. ( J. Russell Smith. 1929 )