CaptainRon's Imaginarium: Off-grid, indoor growing(DLA 5.3 Soma's Amnesia Haze), geothermal greenhouse build, a place to store my thoughts

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Man @CaptainRon I always find a boatload of inspiration when I visit this thread. I would like to make a habit of commenting more often.

One Straw Revolution is excellent :seedling: :herb:
I’ve had the Bhagavad Gita on my shelf for years so maybe today is the day that I finally crack that one open.

:musical_score: :musical_note:
A child’s rhyme stuck in my head
It said that life is but a dream
I’ve spent so many years in question
To find I’ve known this all along



@emeraldbullfrog thank you so much for the love and kind words!
Yes brother, please join in the fun!:purple_heart:

Also, your name reminds me of someone who’s moved on to the next journey. Always makes me smile when I see it.

@globalhead out of curiosity is there any talk about soma and it’s possible relation to ayahuasca or some derivative of DMT(dimethyl tryptamine)?


Yes, Soma is mentioned as the plant Ephedra in the text but Zorashtraian texts mention (which is as old as Indian) the moon plant and they call it Homa.
The closest I have come to identifying what it was along with evidence is Vitor Sarianidi version that it was probably a mix of poppy, Ephedra and cannabis.
There are references to Dmt, Amanita muscaria, Psilocybe cubensis and also Harmaline.

I have to add that tantric texts point to Soma not being a physical thing but rather a psychic stage where one is able to drink the elixir from the moon.


One Straw is right up your ally. All about living simply. Magu is right about the prophet thing.

One Man’s Wilderness is another one I’d recommend (since you asked!), I’m reading it right now. It’s the journal of a guy as he builds a cabin by hand in the Alaskan bush.

@emeraldbullfrog I saw Tool last year, they opened with that song :metal:


Nice write-up. Vermont, colder up there. And, nice digs, btw.

Like something a kid’d buy at the candy store with a lotta “ZZZZs” around it. It’s so fucking lame. Marshawn Lynch was famous for Skittles.