I perpetually clone my reference’s cuts until they are backup in seeds, it mean one month maximum in general. And it’s absolutely not the easier way to maintain multiples references at a time during a selection, but for me a price to spend for the next decade.
Now i have to make this input contextual to be balanced:
- The lines in question are mostly heavy inbred; i never hybridize something until I’ve read at least the F3s. Not saying it’s the way to go, it’s just mine. The side effect of this strategy is obviously the specialization of the blood in a tiny range of expressions. Which mean aside a specialization of the needs also.
To quote an easy example to image it, if you start with a Cheese hybrid F1 (and drive the selection by its need of a load of N), then if the best weed is carried in this line by the most cheesy specimens; you will center and increase this linked trait among generations. Wich make the motherplants of this improvement, less and less “handly” to maintain than a motherplant which have genetically more tools to defend.
- They are not specially selected for theyr productivity/vigor as long term’s motherplants, when it happend it’s generally a lucky shot. I have one actually and the last i got was in 2009. I think than i have a special affection for bitchy phenotypes, but not only lol.
As allready stated previously, cannabis is also genetically coded as an annual. It mean hormonal cycles that you can’t avoid, no matter how strong is your will. And it’s a lot more problematic that with specialized needs. Take a certified chemD cut that is well maintained, trigger its variegation in hitting the polarity of its root zone, and enjoy the systematic shitty offspring of all further clones. No matter if you renew it each week or not. And if you get a clone allready triggered, just insult your source hardly ^^ Welcome in a real world of details that entirely drive the final output of the quality, no matter how strong are your dreams.
Now it exist a fews well known little tricks to don’t have to deal with my personnal obsession on it. And to can say me “hey Fuel, see, i can deal with it with less efforts !” ^^
In this very specific context, you enemy is mainly the membrane alteration. Don’t be scared by this barbarian term, it’s pretty simple in fact. It’s a shield than you want as stronger than fort knox, to avoid any drift and changes. Problem, this barrier is quickly and automatically altered with the hormonal changes of an annual. Understand more and more weaker, to a “zombie state”. It’s a bit more complicated but let’s stay simple and let’s call it a “death signal”. (I prefer the term “delivery” but it’s inherent of the personal vision that I’ve allready exposed.)
It exist “miracle products” for your mothers that make thess membranes more resistant to the time when you start from a clean, fresh and not triggered state :
- excess of calcium : yes, your commercial cal/mag juice work. But as an urgency stuff only. If you can get the calcium totally isolated, it’s far better on long term. This specific product is particulary used for it, but any good equivalent will do the job also.
Always remember that calcium is mobile, like NPK. The procedure is simple : take quickly a cut of what you want to maintain, and test its limits of tolerance in calcium. Remember the bonus % tolerance that is over the usual rate in early stage, and apply it to later stage. Just like NPK again. You can have a lill cut that eat N like crazy, but you feed it like a motherplant you will burn it within 48 hours. Stay logic and proportional with mobiles and you’re good.
Constant excess of calcium of your mothers will help you to delay, but stay rationnal and don’t expect the same level of accuracy on long term that seeds done in the first year. Let’s talk with honesty one minute, it’s why we are so many “old school” to hunt 90’s jewels btw, even with terrible germination rate we allready known that the average grade is a lot superior that the actual ones done with washed moms. Don’t forget that the actual genetic is more and more centered around the same old moms, it’s a cascading problematic. And i’m not speaking about the fast food alt’ products here, just the evolution of the core from where they come also.
- For the most advanced of you, you can push it with a specific Cal chelator like the BAPTA that will help also a lot for the most bitchy no-triggered-herm-cuts (ECSD, Trainwreck, GG#4 etc …) that you have to maintain with the same output quality for your STS seeds or even your regular outcrosses. Only when used with excess Cal off course, not alone and not with a normal feeding.
Damn how to simplify that to the maximum lol Yup ! It’s exactly like the PH. Lets say that you have a cheap and bad water and that you grow hydro. To maintain the stability of your range, you will generally regulate often with the usual PH+/PH- products that are “instant”. The problem is the productivity of your plants, that by definition are more used to adapt to a given PH range that suffer from a constant regulation. “PH burns” come from here and are not often understanded by newcomers, that generally think it’s manganese deficiency. It’s why in this case you will quickly switch to a KH regulation instead, wich will naturally reduce the spectrum of the PH variations. The more obsessionnal hobbyist on the KH are the high grade aquarium-peoples.
It’s exactly the same case with the Cal and its chelators. The chelators being the KH of the Cal in a way.
Fulvic acid can work but it’s like the cal mag of the previous statement, it can help in urgency if you only have it under the hand. The main problem with it is to stay in excess of a mobile nutrients without being counterproductive for the heatlth of your mother, even with an eagle eye and a certain mileage this is not a long term solution. Ask too much attention. Like crazy, beginners must stay aside from this trick at any cost.
The specific chelator to use is sold for labs in salt for EMF tests, not cheap, it’s around 200€/kilogrammer.
Sincerely, i prefer to just make my seeds in the right timing but you allready known it ^^