Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)

Ahhhh… I feel better all ready!



Oh man I was panicking, what happened lol



Why did nobody tell me that Hardee’s is :fire::fire::fire: god damn that was a good ass fast food burger

lol you musta been seriously hungry cuz, or had a helluva case of munchies!

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Seen 600 a lb really decent weed the other day coming out of BC also 400 a lb smalls that was decent too .

Can’t get much cheaper I wouldn’t think?


Those are Oklahoma prices cuz lol dirt cheap there’s so much being harvested statewide on a weekly basis, they damn near giving it to the dispos


Shit ain’t even legal here and I’m having to consider dropping my oz prices down to $150. I know I might sound like a asshole but I’m spending near 500/mo just to grow it and staying up all night just to tend the garden. I know my shits better too otherwise these plugs wouldn’t be coming to me for their personal smoke paying retail on the 1/8. Half ass my fault for introducing them to the vape now they don’t smoke so much :expressionless::joy::sweat_smile:🫤


The dispos still charge normal retail prices I bet

they sell good ganja $99.00/ounce


Well damn, at least they’re passing on the savings a bit, I’m slightly less mad lol. Shit I’d actually be straight if I could do retail here, markets still 10/g for anything decent with no discounts till a 1/4 but that markets controlled and I ain’t trying to get shot :man_shrugging::sweat_smile:

The prices here in OK are just one of the many reasons I retired from commercial growing lol It’s hard for a small mom n pop op to compete, even with the best around…


Shit keeps up like this and I might need to say fuck disability and get grow job in VA.

Oklahoma is the primary supplier of the black market on entire east coast, according to reports
They make more shipping it out of state lol


Well they need to raise their prices just a little a bit :expressionless: damn. That might even improve how it gets handled in transit and storage, just about everything becomes b grade or lower after a cross country trip in a hot car trunk at least going by what I see available here.

Its still dead did we lose a bunch of members

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good thing the forum’s back up. i’m sure everyone will be around soon.


time to revive this thread.
so i just checked on my outdoor plants, they’re pretty small because i started them late, my original plan was to put out a bunch of purple urkel S1s but i left them in paper towels for too long and lost them all. i have 2 bubblegum gelato fems, 2 supposed og kush are both males so they’ll be chopped down. and 1 fem ‘gorilla’ auto which is already showing buds but it’s a very small plant. things didn’t turn out so good but i’ll be happy if i get the bubblegum gelato.


I wonder what your electrical costs are per month, I have seen a significant increase in both Natural Gas and Electricty cost

To god damn high lol my last electric bill was $425 which is stupid high for a little 2 bedroom.