Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

Story of my damn lifeā€¦. Procrastinating is a lifestyle. Not everyone can do it , WELL and make it work lol



Still out of likes: so to everyone :heart: 's a plenty!


looks like a Bonzi

I feel it has more of the look of a bonsai

@Alphatoy & @Dannytonzawillpay ; just yā€™all wait until my Mendo Breath S1 Cannasia update later this weekend :wink:

Itā€™s on day 136 veg in an 8" Speedpot, branched the heck out as a poof.

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Havenā€™t heard that one before. Lol

Well, this is why i say ā€œpoof!ā€

Mendo Breath S1 - Cannasai:

(Base of ā€œtrunkā€ = 15mm)


Might want to contact the saw mill for that wood talk about tree trunk should be able to get some lumber off that thing .


I have 2 viparspectra in a 2.7x5x7 tent and I canā€™t turn mine past 50% without my girls getting cranky lol did you ever blast yours at 100%??

Mine are the p2500 and the xs2000.

Base of ā€œtrunkā€ = a little over 9/16
For us metric challenged old folks or Americans.


Or a walking stick for a short person.

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Beautiful!!! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Damn son! Sheā€™s a beauty! How often do you have to water her?

Edit: just realized you posted one huge bud in a solo cup. Same statements and question apply for that one too :joy:

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Solocup auto = 3-6oz of nutrient daily (Depends on the growing stage)
Cannasia = IN TENT = 11oz per day. OUT OF TENT = 11oz every 3rd day.



This guy againā€¦.


Love the look of that thing @Pigeonman , those pots are a pita to use for tie downs though arenā€™t they, I did the EXACT same thing when I set up an autopot grow. Worked well, didnā€™t have to drill all over the rims.


Goood day. Hope all is well,

Checking in To see how everyoneā€™s postal services are going?

Iā€™ve been having serious on last 3 packages. Earl you jan mid jan still not hereā€™s. Amazon, few other places.

Iā€™m thinking now about ordering a few things i need Fromm Amazonā€™s l (one a new light ($300-400 range for 2*4 flower)) or a second small one To add)

And some Tile trackers. Yesā€¦things I needā€¦lol
(Small gps like apples tag) thatā€™s has a key ring .

Any help on 3 of my inquiries. Mail. Lights, tracker says letā€™s hear


Iā€™m finding in Ontario at least that itā€™s not good at all. Definitely delays, I had packages I paid to ship that are now 4 business days late and even the tracking is wonky. Sucks. But stuff coming from the US seems to fly here, itā€™s odd and I know it has to do with the trucker boycott mostly


Any mars hydro discount codes??? Bout To checkout

I had a lost letter from Doug, but the replacement arrived today (Ontario to Ontario)!
Otherwise anything from USA to CAN has been averaging 4-7 weeks for me (letters).

I have no context for USA to CAN for parcels, but the yarn my partner bought from Denmark got here surprisingly faster than the :us: letter mail I wait on :thinking: