Clogging and Pressuring

Hi all,

A bit down here. With need for help.

Very hard tap water. pH 6.5 ver hard and lot of limescale.
General hydroponics nuts
Coco coir medium
2,000l/h water pump hailea with inline filter, antysyphon valve, no return.
100l water tank located outside the tent.

I tried drippers, which get clogged after 3weeks.
I tried open line dripping which now after 1 weeks are not working because it seems there’s not more pressure.
The pump seems not having the same pressure.

Dunno what’s wrong.
I disconnected everything and run a clean cycle for 24h into the tank with only water and vinager to clean everything …but yet the pump seems less effective and the drippers or open lines are not delivering any water.

What’s the best system for hard water,?
any product I could add to the water solution to keep drippers clean?

Wagering manual…with Coco dry everyday…so I am not actually growing hydro now.

Any advise very welcome


I think your most cost effective solution will be to run that water through an RO system. Can’t use a water softener, the salt will kill everything so, I only see Reverse Osmosis as a solution. Maybe someone more experienced in these things will come along and offer something different. Sorry to hear about this frustrating situation. Hope it works out for you.


@Curmudgeon is correct as far as I know. Vinegar and acids can destroy limestone build up but will also be as bad as salt. Your best bet is an r/o system.

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Thanks both.

Not happy to use RO…neither a 50%…mix
currently 1/3 is RO with my system. Lot of waste water.
A DWC with air will make more sense for 1-2 plants
Or back to soil…
Alternatively I could try osmocote+ Coco and only plain water, in which case I won’t have have clog.

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No others ideas?

Does ebb and flow, flood and drain clog?
Does open line?

Any hard water user over here?

Really hard water is going to clog and jam anything, thats the root of the issues, not really a practical way around that I have heard of.

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Open line, flowering cycle only…mainly 9 weeks genetics seems fineish…after cleaner.

Ebb and flow open big pipe wont clog for sure.