Clone only strains for free or trade

Let get this straight I didn’t like a couple of the replies…I just found out that Overgrow was back and up 24 hrs. ago. I haven’t been around for more then a few years to grow because my family had health problems and I was the caregiver 24/7 for my younger brother & mother both were bed ridden of which I pulled out of the nursing home. Now that they have past away I have plenty of time to grow again specially during this CV-19 quarantine. I usually go to Panama City Beach for the winter months but not this year because of the CV-19. So at the last minute I decided to grow again before winter is over…Don’t have time to start from seeds so I needed clones…I did nothing wrong this is a free trade clones section isn’t it. I didn’t beg for clones I asked for them hoping my old OG buddies would remember me and give me 1 or 2…now that I’m back I’m here to stay and contribute in the future, I’m not here just to get clones and leave…I’m not a scammer, fraud or a LEO. One other thing to the members that chimed in on my clone only trading thread, you should’ve moved on…You have nothing nice to say it’s better not saying anything at all, keep your mouth shut and just leave my threads alone. I delt with members like you from the old Overgrow when I first posted my Phototron threads…they all said that P-trons are a waste of money and it doesn’t work, well guess what I proved them all wrong…My SWC/TRON kicked ass and I grew some great weed in them…Hell, BOG even gave me some free seed just so he can see his creation in a Phototron. I wanted to post this last night but as a new member I was only allowed to post 8 replies or something and I had to wait 24hrs. to post again. One more thing has anyone heard from Naked Stone Chick or Tokahontas? We usually traded with each other a lot.
Again to those members who have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all and just leave my threads alone.


Phototron is pretty cool.

There needs to be a bridgelux phototron


wow u grew those with florescent bulbs? i wonder what an led upgrade would do for ya


Boy, you are a charmer, aren’t you? lol, jk.

Perhaps you have a slightly inflated sense of yourself and think you can behave however you want without comment from anyone, but that’s just not how things work. You may have been super popular on the original overgrow 15 or 20 years ago, but 99.9% of us don’t know you. I was actually voted the “Best New Grower” during the final year that Overgrow had such contests, but I don’t talk about it because no one remembers - or cares! It’s how I, and you, behave here and now that matters, and like it or not, we’re judged for it. And when we step out of line, we’ll hear about it.

When you say to an established member (@anon5325009), who’s been around, contributing and fitting in nicely for 1.4 years “I’m not a a FNG (fucking new guy) like you”, it’s going to ruffle some feathers, especially when 5 of your first 8 posts were requesting free stuff in several threads WITHIN ONE HOUR OF JOINING. @Sasquatch chimed in with some good advice, and you actually “liked” it, but your very next post was to tell anyone who doesn’t agree with you to “keep your mouth shut and just leave my threads alone”

So, yes, some of us are protective of our community. Hopefully, with some patience and chill, we’ll all get along nicely.

Oh, and you can use the search feature to find members from the old overgrow if they’re still using their member name. Just throw an “@” in front of their name, and if they’re here, you’ll see them.

Good luck.


GOOD VIBES ONLY!! :slight_smile:


What I would bring to Dragon’s Den :dragon:


Intro could have been more explanatory of what OP was looking for.

1st comment, could’ve been better about maybe explaining users might not be into trading with OP yet as they are fairly new to site(~2days) and to get a presence going here on OG…

Then someone hit the Romper Room button and all hell broke lose.

Let’s keep it on track, keep things civil, and get back to looking for these elite cuts


:rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: :yum: :wink:


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