Sour diesel, GG4 and Haze

I need the real deal sour from back in the day!!! Also looking for black haze also known as cuban haze. Finally also need a fire cut if GG4 please point me in the right direction!!


First place I would point you is here.

From there it depends. What are you looking for? A trade, a place to purchase?

Welcome to OG.


Cop Clown or Conman


Lol wtf is this

Imagine you’re just at the park kicking it with ya friends and some stranger come over and the first thing he says is “I need the real deal sour from back in the day!!! Also looking for black haze also known as cuban haze. Finally also need a fire cut if GG4 please point me in the right direction!!”
Not trying to be a dick but in real life I’d honestly answer by saying “up :fu:”.
Then look at my friends and say[quote=“MrRevolution, post:3, topic:94784, full:true”]
Cop Clown or Conman
And bust out laughing like wtf was that.


I get it man…. Just tired of these new strains. Need some old school funk. Not really good at wording threads lol

It’s cool.
Slow ya roll. Not to many fisherman gon tell you where they honeyhole is before they get to know you ya dig.


Yessir I already know

lol i worked at a big club in wilmington nc years back as a bouncer had a new couple come in said they were brother and sister first thing they asked me is if i knew where to get weight ? i thought to myself yeah ok let me get right on that not…i told em i ws a cop and just did this gig for extra $$$ and poonanny :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:never saw them in the club the rest of the time i worked there


Ok I get the codes lol. But guys we’re in 2022 marijuana is legal almost in half the country and here in ny even before we went rec nothing happened to you if you got with a few pounds lol. I need 2 or 3 cuts not any weight lol.

Karmas acid dawg is a good place to start looking for good chemmy diesel plants, she is strong strong especially the stardawg phenos. The gg4 cut you should be able to find at a dispensary, maybe get in contact with a few of them. I’m also busy running holy smokes strawberry cane and a few of the plants are definitely diesel leaning in smell with a slight hint of strawberry, looking very forward to smoking them.


You can roll the dice and find clones/seeds of all of those through Strainly.


It’s not about “codes” what people are trying to say is that you are a 2 day old member, and it’s considered bad form to just show up and start asking for things.
You will have greater success if you spend time on the forum, make posts, get to know folks, and generally participate.
Too many folks join just to take things from the community, without any intention of giving back. I’m not saying that’s you, but we have enough experience to be wary.
"The beans and cuts begin to flow, but only when you’re a guy we know. "
Take @DougDawson advice and go introduce yourself!


Legality does not negate the need for good manners bud. This is a wonderful and generous grow community. We come here to get to know our fellow growers and share with like minded people. That usually starts with “hello” like any interaction in life. Walking into the room and starting with “I need” is not a way to ingratiate yourself to those who are here. You are a stranger asking for things, if you take the time to meet some folks here and engage in some conversation I would bet you will have a much better chance of finding what you seek. Now this is just friendly advice, you can do with it as you see fit. :v:


@DougDawson well said


My bad fellas I just thought this was a site where people sell clones, seeds etc. quickly realizing it’s more of a grow community thanks to you guys! Will definitely do much better on my next post! Thanks for schooling me on how this works.


No worries and you are welcome on OG. All are welcome on OG. Stick around, get to know folks and perhaps post some pics of your past or present grows. I think you will find that this is an amazing place to be. There are a few sponsors here on the site where you can purchase seeds or clones but otherwise you will find most seeds are gifted from grower to grower rather than purchased. Good luck, hope to see you walking the halls with the rest of us.


That’s some funny shit…Agreed we need to know each other first. Trust is a must! I’m been in the game for a short time started in June after a 35 year hiatus cause I needed to work. I’m a electrical field service engineer or was…420 didn’t mix well. So here I am looking at the culture/industry and I am amazed what’s allowed now and what’s available…In some great Discords and have assembled a nice seed vault… on my second grow too. If it wasn’t for so many nice people, I wouldn’t be so far along in my knowledge. I am grateful for my new friends and all of the sharing. I was told about this place from some long time OG’s. I’m a man of my word period. If we make a deal or I promise you something I will not let you down. At this juncture in my life I have no time for games nor will tolerate them from anyone else. I’m not a fan of keyboard warriors, If you are going to saying something consider your words carefully and act as if they are right in front of you. Common courtesy should be common. Love 420 peeps. Quiet your mind and listen to the universe. :pray: