Clones starting to flower?

I have been taking clones and placing them in the window. Didn’t think about the fact that it’s possible they don’t get enough light. Most seem to be doing really great. One of the batches 4 of them seem to be showing signs of flowering. In addition they look pretty sorry with deformed leaves and such.

Should I use a cheap low powered grow light while they are in the cloner? 18/6? Forgot to mention they are showing the signs after rooting and moving to soil. Some I gave a buddy are doing the same thing.


What are your daylight hours?

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Daylight hours are 5:30am-9pm but the window is south facing so it’s not always in the sun but a lot of the time.

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You can let them flower and get budsicles.
But you gonna need to give them more light to keep them in veg, 24 hrs light for a few days, then back down once they start vegging again.
Mild transplant shock might have something to do with it too.
But if they’re in good soil it shouldn’t be a problem.


Might as well cut some new ones if you can. Reveg will take longer than rooting more cuttings, probably.


It’s not just about the amount of time the plants get light, it’s also important to make sure the light is the right color and strong enough to stimulate growth/photosynthesis in the plants.

For clones, I use T5HO light tubes for cloning and veg, they work very well and stay cool.

If the available light is too weak, then the plants will, naturally, start their flowering cycle. If your plants have noticeably started to flower, then they have been in insufficient light for 10-14 days already and could require the same amount of time to fully revert back to veg.

Or like @Rogue said, put them on a 24/7 schedule for a week or so and they will revert quickly. Single leaves are the start of reveg.

@Dr.VitaminGreen is also correct in saying that taking new cuttings for clones may be faster than waiting for the plants to reveg.

From my experience, I’d say that it takes less time to root a cutting than it does to reveg one.

I was going to say ‘good luck’, but luck’s not needed… you got this.


Thanks everyone. Time is of no concern to me in this case, I am just having fun. I will just let these live and see what they do. They are under 16/8 good lights now that they are in soil. It was only when they were in the cloner that they got sunlight from a window only. I will maybe change the light in the small veg room to 24/7 per your recs. But I have plenty of other clones that are living it up.


16/8 is just fine for veg


A simple desk lamp with a CFL or led style bulb is more than enough, no need to go all out for cuttings. Shoot, I have used the light over my stove before :upside_down_face: