Need Help With Experiment

I had a few clones that didn’t survive, but by the time I was certain they were gone, their mommas were flowering…

I read somewhere that a plant could be clipped for a clone at any stage of growth, so I decided to find out and took a small branch off the bottom of each of four of them. I started them in 9 oz cups of dirt and kept them in roughly 18/6 light in my kitchen for a few weeks…

Tonight I replanted them into the 32 oz jars and found two of them had lots of roots, two of them almost none, but they all still look good.

Here’s my question:

Should I keep them all in 18/6 light for until they get bigger, or should I move the two with roots to the 12/12 room? Or all of them to the 12/12 room?

Would love some advice.


The top pic shows the two with lots of roots, the bottom pic shows the two with almost no roots.


I would maybe veg a little longer depending.


I’m sorry, I don’t know what that means. I’m so new to all this.


I would leave them in the window until they get a little bigger/show roots. Then into the tent :+1:


Ok, thanks! Just to be clear… my kitchen window and tent are 18/6… my plant room is 12/12. So leave them in the kitchen until the other two get roots?


Reveging after flower, the plant will make some funny growth. Single leaves and such. Just a heads up so you don’t freak like I did the first time. Yes, they need to be in the 18/6.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Wish i had a 18/6 veg tent… lol … Yep, let them go 18/6.


Keep them in the window or in your tent under 18 hours of light until they have grown to a size that you would like them to be when they are finished. If you put them under 12 hour light right now they are too Small, they will begin flowering and not yield much… maybe as little as a gram or an eight per cutting! If you keep them under 18 hours of light until they are growing quickly you will get a much higher yield.


As said, they will have a funny look to them, they will grow out of it, stay in 18/6 until they are the size you want.


Myself, I prefer 20/4 or even 24/0 for cutting to root.
I use 18/6 as I’m getting a girl ready to flower, but that is just me.