Coco coir growers

I was taught to use nutes day 1 an day 2 then 3rd day cal mag an very light nutes.
What do other people recommend.
This is for growers that grow with the only 1 drench per day during say flower in 5 gallon pot average.


Sounds about right. In a 5gal pot of coco you can probably get away with a day or two between waterings if they’re not massive. Daily or better watering will have better results if the roots have filled out the pot.

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I’ve been doing this for along time im just curious if it bad to use cal mag an maybe a microbial or enzyme an not use the very light dose of nutes.
I was told it could cannibalize
If I used only water an cal mag. I’m using r.o with ppm of zero.
Thank you for any insight

just an example.
I’m just trying to not use nutes so much


Looks like whatever you are doing is working well, keep it up. Plain water isn’t usually recommended in coco, but if it’s working for you with some calmag or microbes then no problem. I’ve run the last few weeks on straight water before to get a nice fade.

Ok Thanks.
Ya I’ve never gone a day with out at least 50 ppm of A an 50 of B.
I’m trying to find ways to save an not suffer lol.
I do not have any complaints.


Been growing in coco for a few years inside and I would always get burnt leaf tips due to over feeding. The best results I’ve had was to pretty much do what you suggested in your original post. Never skip the calmag in coco for sure and never just plain water until maybe the end. Still debating the whole flush thing… depends on how much I’ve been feeding I suppose. This is also strain dependent more or less but I’ve only noticed that a little bit so far since I’ve only been growing for a few yrs.


If your feeding with salts you should seriously consider using gypsum as either a percentage of your daily feed or a weekly flush. I use a modified kiss method with maxibloom and crush.


I find using slf 100 a couple times a week is a great way to keep the salts at bay.

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I use diamond k dihydrite 97. Rarely use Ca Mg


I don’t use cal mag either.

I’ve always used cal magic in coco slash perlite with R.O water

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I have been growing in coco since 2003 and love the stuff. I used to use cal mag but phased out of using it around 2007-9 as I never noticed any differences between concurrent test crops and do not incur deficiencies using San Francisco tap water. I do flush with either pure ph balanced water or water supplemented with florakleen at around the fourth week of flowering and let my plants have extended dry backs at that time to force a burst of generative growth but then water normally again until I begin flushing 19 days before I harvest. Yes, I know 19 days sounds extreme – especially as there are bro science podcasts out there that say flushing doesn’t do anything at all :rofl: - but people compliment my final product and talk diligently about how well cured my buds are even after they have only been drying for 2 weeks so it is a methodology that I am happy with and which works for me. I have tried using pH-balanced water every other feeding but feel that those crops yielded much lower than those I fed more regularly but YMMV and you would need to run comparative side by side grows to determine which method you prefer and what the effects on your final product may be.


Holy cow, this thread was at the top of my feed and I failed to realize it was ancient. :raised_hands: My apologies


bring the thread back to life! interesting reset you do at week 4… I may have to give it a whirl!


Thanks, I wasn’t sure if I should have deleted my post but I decided to leave it. I gleaned that week 4 flush and dryback from watching the greenhouse seeds grow videos!


is it your entire fourth week? or just one feed at the 4 week mark?


Hey, thanks for asking. I know you can grow 7’ tall plants in 4" hydroponic media cubes (rockwool of coco) but I veg in 6" pots until the plants need to be fed once per day. Once rhe plants need to be fed once per day I bump up their vegetative growth rate by watering every 2 hours, causing explosive growth. About three days before going in to flower I transplant to 3 gallon containers just to add more stability and allow the roots to explode if they want to… and they do want to. I feed every 2 hours (4x a day as I run 10 hours of light and 14 hours darkness) starting 2 hours after lights on until 2 hours before lights off. At week 4 I flush once and then let the coir dry back with just the flushed coco and no nutes till my plants just about start to droop and then resume my feeding regiment. The dry back usually takes 2-2.5 days, then I resume feeding only once a day during the rest of the generative growth period and after I flush I stop watering (again, about 2-2.5 days) until the plants look like they will begin to droop and then I give them the chop at that time.


F**k I’m gonna Try That!!! Thanks @herojuana.tom :metal: well a modified ColeLennon approach to that. props I copied and pasted your whole post in my microsoft notes Peace.


I’d definitely like to give this a whirl down the road… need to setup some automated watering to be able to pull off multiple feeds in a day. Right now I’m just hand watering. soon. I’ll do like @ColeLennon and take down some notes haha