Watering in “Flower”

What’s up, Growmies lol? But check it out. My buddy waters daily in flower using coco perlite 70-30, I believe with Athena nutrients at 1500-1600 ppm pH 5.8. Also, in 5-gallon fabric pots. His theory is because it’s in coco, it helps the plant take up nutrients in flower by watering daily. I believe it is better to water as she dries out, so I know she got the maximum nutrients. Not looking for who is right or wrong; I’m looking for opinions. What is your take ladies and gents? How do you water in flower? Thanks for the replies in advance.


This opinion is based on the age of the plant. With younger plants you should water when dry but with more mature plants they do best (in my observations) with a consistent feed rate, never drying out.

If you notice that roots tend to gather near water…ie the top of the pot for say drip irrigation…when you let the plant dry out, it encourages the young plant to use/form new roots to find water.

K.I.S.S :grin:



It sounds like a lot of work.

I water until saturated and then typically water again 3ish days later.

I think of my containers as reservoirs, which they are.

I’ve had plants that needed water twice a day because they were in 1L pots. I’ve also done 5G where I needed to water every 5 days.

3 sounds about right to me.

Either way really. Dealers choice.


Thanks for your opinion. It’s greatly appreciated. But, what is K.I.S.S? Sounds like keep it super simple…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I agree with this approach tho. Thanks for sharing.

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Keep It Simple Sir :wink:


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If I’m just watering I might water twice a day morning and evening in 30-gallon pots of Coco/Peat/Perlite but they only get 1.5 gallons each time. July and Aug. In Flower now 3 weeks its Water once a day but 2-3 gallons My feeding is like every 3 days but I feed two mornings in a row with only 1 gallon of top water before each feed. It’s like a Feed/ Feed/ Water/ Dry/ 4 day If that makes any sense Peace


Makes sense tho!

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I was close lol.


You also want to water with just water every 3rd or 4th watering…to let the plant use any built up salts.



Well I’d say water as they dry out! But usually plants in flower will dry out every couple of hours depending on the size of the container, and the temps of the room or tent. Everyday is ok just don’t over water where it’s too saturated.

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Check these out:

Depends how big the plants and pots are.

You can water coco like soil a few times a week if the pots are big enough. But they should grow faster with less troubles watering more often once the plants get bigger and the roots fill out the pots.

Small pots need watering daily or more to keep them happy. These were < 1 gallon fed a few times per day.


Whoa that’s a nice yogurt container!


Krikeys that is a lot of food!


Thanks for the information I am reading up on it.

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