Cola's other stuff

Left-peyote cookies
Middle-SLH x jOG
Right-rainbow kush
3 small pots are boysenberry jack that popped tap roots and went into soil yesterday.

Light was a meizhi I ripped the internals out of. Replaced with 4x cluo38’s @ 3000k running 200w (actual draw about 176w)

I’ve had absolutely zero luck germing anything with the name jack in it. So much so the rainbow kush no longer fits in the TARDIS :rofl:

Eating nothing but megacrop


Was this from a giveaway? :thinking:

:scissors: :open_hands: :thumbsup:

…and this :rainbow: kush…? Dealing with Leprechauns again?


:evergreen_tree: So glad to see you


It was a Barney’s farm freebie that came with some galactic Jack I purchased.

The rainbow kush we’re gifted from @ReikoX for the Jack’s rainbow project. So planted a couple at the same time as many jack strains that never popped. Options were limited to what I could do so I’m running one rainbow kush here and my mate in Sheffield is mothering another to give me a safety net of sorts.
The SLH x jOG is courtesy of @Scissor-Hanz. Had excellent yield/smoke from the surviving cromjog so thought another Jesus cross was worthy. (I actually have another 3 friends (non forum) growing the SLH x jog out too. And I’ll get a smoke of every plant to be able to give a decent smoke report after.

Nice to see you too too big tree brother.


Unfortunate about the galactic jack mate. The rainbow Kush has always been on my list of future grows.The colours look amazing in all the pictures I’ve seen. Keep us/me :wink: informed on how well they do please. I’ll at some point bite the bullet and invest in some seeds :+1:


It’s not just been galactic Jack. It’s been boysenberry jack. Jack herer x vortex aswell. Hopefully these boysenberry jack pop up now. I’ll keep you posted here on the rainbow kush. Seriously disappointed she’s not packing seed on now tbh :unamused:


Jack strains are giving you jack shit mate. Keep at it though as the cause is well worth the effort, money and time. :+1:


This project has had one setback after another… hope it come to fruition.


Young brother was an awkward shite anyway. Should have known it wouldn’t be easy. Should be worth it in the long run