(complete)1981 Roadkill Skunk

If you’re in the US then these will go out in the next fall box I believe.


Ok thank u


@OGTreeSlayer is 100% correct. These only went out in Canada as that is where they originated. They did not make it in time for the US distribution but are with G-pas and will be in the next box for those who signed up.


I just wanted to update you. The fall '21 box didn’t have the RKS in it for anybody but, Canada. Doug was waiting for some other seeds and included them as they came from Canada.

Strawberry Diesel X Space Dude
Double Panama Red
Paonia Purple Paralyzer
Blockhead Bx
Dragons Blood HashPlant
Vietnamese DaLat
Cheech Wizard

The weren’t on the site for payment at that time so nobody has paid for them yet. They are going in the box this fall and payment can be made in September/October.

I hope this helps.

:green_heart: :seedling:


You da m… woman!


it was supposed to be in the spring box. I was on the list. Last time i checked here some1 told me it was delayed and going out in the fall box. What should i do? this was like my first seed run buy-in @G-paS

i can pull up my receipt, i definitely paid already. I feel like there was an option to fill out a custom order or something like that.

Those RKS will be in the next box and are with @G-paS bud, just didn’t make it to USA before some boxes went out. G-pas will be able to give you more specifics if needed. Also there was no spring box. The fall box got mashed into the spring box due to some issues that have since been resolved.


Outta curiosity what about the sign up that have members on it twice and do those spots open or not but I’m more curious about it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Same, I missed out on a lot of strains, but I guess @G-paS will be the one having to deal with that headache.

Thank you for dealing with all of this stuff, you’re the bomb @ distributors


If you see duplicate names just point them out while sign up is open and they can get taken care of. Its a bit of a pain after the fact. I think all should check their lists once full to weed out any duplicates.

Yeah, happens to all new members when they join man. They were full or closed once you joined but there will always be those willing to trade or gift a particular strain. One of the joys of OG.


I see what you did there :eyes:

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Sad to have missed this one but I love the large number of OGers who made the run. That means these will be available again at some point in the future!


This is correct! The RKS will be in the fall box for all but Canada.

I am not sure what your saying. People that sign-up for strains that arrive by September 21st will be in the fall box

Yep, people get excited and sign-up. Then forget and sign-up again. :grinning:
Those are open spots. But, make sure they are 100% the same as people have very similar names sometimes. Please let the person know before you take it.

That is correct. When they are closed they are closed.

:green_heart: :seedling:


That would have been Sebring’s page and not the co-op page.

This run is a completely new run. I hope it all goes smoothly.

:green_heart: :seedling:

When these go out, if there’s anyone wanting to do a trade, I would love to talk about trading some of my beans for a few.
Thanks all!


DM me @MoBilly


Right these are gonna be some great beans and I hope that you are able to find some magic in them there beans still haven’t gotten a uncrossed Skunk strain


Has anyone found a sour apple pheno in these?

I grew out Mendo/Romulan Joe’s 1978 Skunk, OP’ed by OSG, and the sour apple was even nicer than RKS - very euphoric and irie like Jamaican.
That 78 like had like 10 different phenos.
It goes around these days as Cantaloupe Skunk


Likewise…if I get 'em, you got 'em!!! SSBW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: NOTE: I have some RKS from @Sebring, before his unfortunate accident. They, too will be part of a “Winter Giveaway” or “OG Fundraiser”.