Subcool Strawberry Diesel x Space Dude F2, wikified (CLOSED)

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If all your posts are begging for seeds you will be removed. If you have no history at all you will be removed. Rule number four - if you go to save your edit and it says something about overwriting someone else, do not save! This is a potentially disqualify offense.

There are a lot of these in the wind. If you are new here and really want these hang out for awhile, engage in some conversation, and then ask around. If you don’t find any shoot me a PM.

On to the fun stuff?

Information on this strain is rather scarce. My only source is Google. I haven’t really dug up much. So I’ll just give you what I have experienced.

I had just two seeds to start with. They were packed like a freebie with an order. I got them via an auction here. I didn’t know anything about subcool or the strain but I had two spots open and it sounded cool :joy:. As I was growing them I became aware of Subcool’s passing. Around the same time my veg tent began to take on a funk. I was blown away with the stench coming from #2. I googled the strain as I was now interested. I couldn’t find practically anything about it and couldn’t find it for sale. When it became apparent that one was male and one was female, well, it was meant to be.

They are very very light hungry. Heavy training is recommended. Both stretched 3x. Sativa look with long internodes and big skinny leaves. While the male had a very funky odor the female is sweet, sour, tangy…I’m calling it a dead ringer for pink starburst. It’s vibrant and very appealing. This is coming from someone who trashes fruity, sweet weed left and right. Skinny branches with fat sparse buds. Support will be required unless you do some serious training. Despite appearances flower time was quite reasonable…I didn’t exactly keep track but roughly 8/9 weeks from flip I think.

Dad’s pictures are gone. You might be able to find some on random threads around here. He looked like mom…with balls :yum:.

Here’s a few of mom at chop

I have a clone of mom in flower now

That’s really all I’ve got for ya. If you want to see what this strain has to offer, put yo name and country on the list :wink:.

  1. @Crazy1 :us:
  2. @MoBilly :us:
  3. @HappyGoLucky21 :us:
  4. @OGSince03 :us:
  5. @invisible :australia:
  6. @NorthNorthNugs :canada:
  7. @Nextlevel209 :us:
  8. @wahatchi :us:
  9. @Sasquatch :us:
  10. @bassman5420 :us:
  11. @Judsbuds :us:
  12. @G-paS :us:
  13. @blkmetal :us:
  14. @J-Icky :us:
  15. @4ftfarmer :us:
  16. @FiveGar :us:
  17. @BorderTownBud :us:
  18. @other_barry :us:
  19. @FattyRoots :australia:
  20. @SweetLeaf :us:
  21. @elg :canada:
  22. @Purple-N-Hairy :us:
  23. @Abbbian :brazil:
  24. @anonymous4289 :us:
  25. @204medismoke :canada:
  26. @GCBudz :us:
  27. @deeez99 :us:
  28. @Granola :canada:
  29. @ramblinrose :us:
  30. @stevie1durr :canada:
  31. @donuchee :us:
  32. @DefNSmokn :us:
  33. @Jinglepot :canada:
  34. @qtip :canada:
  35. @pawsfodocaws :us:
  36. @Swe-can :sweden:
  37. @Stankonia :us:
  38. @ItsintheGenetics :us:
  39. @justdrew :us:
  40. @Papalag :us:
  41. @THRESH :us:
  42. @iggypuffs :us:
  43. @catapult :us:
  44. @ervasagrada :brazil:
  45. @Vertebrata :brazil:
  46. @antheis :us:
  47. @MTL :us:
  48. @Old-Ron :us:
  49. @Cbizzle :us:
  50. @Kushking902 :canada:
  51. @Moka :us:
  52. @beardedvet222 :us:
  53. @TestOfOath :us:
  54. @BuckeyeBeanz :us:
  55. @George :es:
  56. @Chronickyle :canada:
  57. @repins12 :us:
  58. @bigbluedog360 :us:
  59. @Ftlob :canada:
  60. @MidwestMover :es:
  61. @misterbee :us:
  62. @Foreigner :canada:
  63. @Neb :canada:
  64. @Dirtron :us:
  65. @space :brazil:
  66. @lostinmyhome :us_outlying_islands:
  67. @kushdaddy :us:
  68. @chronix :canada:
  69. @sprinklememaynee :canada:
  70. @Bow4Buck :us:
  71. @darkillusion :us:
  72. @Oldguy :canada:
  73. @BIGJ :us:
  74. @Yetigrows :canada:
  75. @Gpaw :canada:
  76. @joecool :us:
  77. @Panamajock US
  78. @CADMAN :canada:
  79. @khaoohs :us:
  80. @BirD :us:
  81. @gugumelo :brazil:
  82. @anon84307778 :canada:
  83. @Otto_Gelato :canada:
  84. @Tejas :us:
  85. @OldGator :us:
  86. @Oldjoints :us:
  87. @Nagel420 :us:
  88. @Limeflavouredheadbut :uk:
  89. @Butustank :us:
  90. @Grizz718 :us:
  91. @BigMike55 :us:
  92. @Cannasaurusrex :canada:
  93. @Shabita93 :it:
  94. @rootfarmer :us:
  95. @HolyAngel :us:
  96. @redjimp :uk:
  97. @Bobgrows :us_outlying_islands:
  98. @YoBigdaddy :us:
  99. @Kcity87 :us:
  100. @keene :us:
  101. @Oldtimerunderground :canada:
  102. @alola :uk:
  103. @ShiskaberrySavior :canada:
  104. @OGBohab :us:
  105. @harveest :us:
  106. @BCC :us:
  107. @KanehB :canada:
  108. @DippingMyToesInDWC :uk:
  109. @Gaz29 :uk: :
  110. @DankDumplings :us:
  111. @allotment
  112. @Pigeonman :canada:
  113. @Zolorp :us:
  114. @OGTreeSlayer :us:
  115. @AceHigh :us:
  116. @gratefulned :us:
  117. @Loggershands :canada:
  118. @doglog :us:
  119. @bunny :canada:
  120. @darkillusion :us:
  121. @Purple_Drank604 :canada:
  122. @api312 :us:
  123. @jumper420 :us:
  124. @BERZERK :brazil:
  125. @stONER775 :us_outlying_islands:
  126. @kami :us:
  127. @vaportrail :us:
  128. @BasementBeans :canada:
  129. @Mr.Sparkle :canada:
  130. @Kyumonryu :canada:
  131. @Rabeats2093 :us:
  132. @MBVapester :canada:
  133. @Berserker7205 :us:
  134. @HappyTrees23s :us:
  135. @SleepySails :us:
  136. @CrunchBerries :us:
  137. @cannabliss :us:



Good job, I’m a sucker for pretty colors


Amazing work bro! Thanks for making it possible.


This was definitely one of the prettier plants I’ve ever seen! Thank you.


Yeah killer man!! I have plans on preserving some of his gear so this is awesome. :green_heart:


Amazing! Thanks for doing this run, it will be the first time I get to play with anything Subcool :peace_symbol:


Love it when fate displays itself like that. Super cool that you were growing one of his strains while learning about his legacy. She’s a real beauty! Thanks for sharing these with everyone. Planning on doing a few runs with Sub’s stuff in the future.


Never ran any subcool stuff following along !!


wauu brother beautiful colors before signing up for fairness I ask you first thank you :muscle:


Very Cool how the stars aligned for you for this :sparkles:


There are literally only 3 rules posted in bold :face_with_monocle:

Look y’all I’m not trying to be a dick or go through this hundred times. I think those three rules are reasonable and if you disagree that’s fine.


forgive me I just asked​:pray::pray::pray:

1 Like

Awesome looking plants, never had any subcool gear so looking forward to trying these out, Thanks!!!


Looking forward to trying this as well! Thanks @Eagles009 !!!



2 beans into this! Absolutely meant to be! Thank you for the opportunity. Subcool lives on!



Beautiful looking plant


Sounds like it was meant to be!


You’re welcome all! And thank you!


Pretty cool :sunglasses: right? 2 beans into 5000 plus. That skinny mom with like…2-3 ounces worth of bud mass spat out all those beans. I was literally laughing at how many were pouring out when I rolled the buds in my fingers, hundreds per large bud.


Greatly appreciated @Eagles009 and yes mate beautiful colours