Thanks to all involved to make this happen! @Carty @Draig @Lady.Zandra63 @ix3u
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Nice job with the sign ups on this run everybody, everything went very smoothly.
You’re in the home stretch @Lady.Zandra63 @Draig @Carty!
Fantastic work on this project, you grew some beautiful plants.
Nice work guys! Finally coming to a conclusion!
Fixed it for you…
(it wants the quote to start on a new line)
Good job everyone! Killer work!
I agree… this is turning out to be a really kewl joint project.
I’m really glad you had those last packs of CS and that Draig asked if we could turn the seeds you gifted us into a full run for OG…and kudos to ix3u – jumped right in and offered to make these awesome pucks without anyone asking…and even got special filament for them and asked for nothing in return!
Gotta say, this has been an experience… but will be glad when they are shucked, packed and on their way!
Thank you @Carty for getting these gems to us I thought they were gone forever brother. I knew as soon as you asked if I wanted them, that we’d have to preserve them!
Also for the kind words partner!
@ix3u these aren’t pucks they are art! Thank you so much for all your hard work time and money you invested you have our undying gratitude. These would have never had something this nice without your help brother!
And a special thank you to my dear wife @Lady.Zandra63 for all the hard work growing and pollinating the girls and allowing this to happen. It was fun working with the males.
Thank you all for the support!
We’ll update more, once the buds are dry and shucking begins.
Yup. You 3 crushed it. Well done.
Thanks my brother @Ottafish I’m glad you found a use for the pollen to hit that beautiful Tropical Fuel. I can’t wait to see what comes from out of those I hope they are some fire! That LBL came from seed that Carty also shared.
Thanks @Zephyr for your kind words, and to everyone who made this run possible @coopactiongroup and all the OG members for making everything run smoothly!
You and @Lady.Zandra63 are a blessing to OG. Thanks for putting in all that effort for the community you two. You are greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much Doug! That means a lot coming from you!
OUCHIE!!!What you do to your thumb dude??
Those buds already have an awesome color to them… that’s gonna be a heeluva cross!!!
Thanks to everyone for sticking with us through all this— really appreciate the kind words and interest in the strain!
The girls are being REALLY stubborn!
Decided to withhold water and let them dry on the stalks…
They don’t give a shit!
Still going, not wilting- but all the leaves are yellowed, some copper…
If not drying by Monday- they come down Tuesday anyway!!!
Thanks much, brother! and like Lady Z said, it means a whole lot coming from you. We both sincerely appreciate your guidance and wisdom, my friend!
I would think that’s a good way to get the plants to put everything into finishing up the seeds.
That’s what Draig was saying…so what Boss man suggests- I do!! (within reason!) LOL!
I left mine on the stalks with out water for a couple weeks
It may just take that long… never did it this way- OR this heavily seeded!!
I’ve found that it’s faster for the seeds to “finish up” by watering regularly but like once a week to 10days depending but no nutrients only pHed water not flushing just regular water not to dry , it seems almost like they stall or finish real slow when we cause a drought see I was under same impression that the plant would think it’s going to die so it would finish the seeds nope the opposite happened in my experience instead of the plant sending the last of it’s energy to finish seeds it seemed like it stored it and put the pause on the seeds to try to make it thru the draught and maybe that’s because she has already finished enough for the next generation just my realizing of things I hope it helps