(complete) OGer, the Encore

You are going to love tomorrow’s post!.. :+1: :sunglasses:
Ok, if you want more now before then, check out:

That should have been better presented, but you’ll get the idea.
Somewhere later I discuss the ‘Quality Control’ data as to how well my pollen protocol worked.

On an adjacent sensi cola I had 2 seeds
I had several hundred on the pollinated colas.

This time, I trying ‘sloppier’ protocol just to check the cross contamination. This is mostly with the head stash plant but also on the Critical Plus. I crossed both OG males to a couple branches and left 3/4 of the plant sensi. I’m looking forward to see how much seed I have in the sensi buds.

If I totally screw it up, I have a clone of the Critical as Plan ‘B’. :vulcan_salute: :laughing:
