Controlling Pollen

Hello all,

First post on OG.
I visited very frequently back in the early 2000s
Took a hiatus from growing, but the legalization in Canada brought me back into it.

Due to the 4 plant limit imposed by the Canadian government I am looking at using one of my three tents as a “bean” tent. Creating S1’s to keep genetics. First up is Blueberry Omaba. I am going to take two clones, run the female in a recirculating DWC bucket and the second clone, to be sprayed with gibberellic acid to induce male flowers will be kept in soil or a small DIY flood and drain table, still havent decided.

The bean tent is a 2 x 4 x 5ft tent. I am planning to use one “1000w” led panel, can push it to two panels or drop it to a single “600w” panel.

My main flower tent is a 8 x 4 x 6ft running a 1000w in a cooltube.
The tents are in my basement and are about 20 ft apart.

I do not know how I am going to keep the pollen in the bean tent. I am debating trying to filter the exhaust through a HEPA filter or running the smaller panel and adding in a wine carboy and making wine or any mash to add co2 and not run an exhaust.

I would greatly appercaite any input.

Thank you OG!


Welcome back! I will. Let the expert pollen chuckers answer your question, but, welcome back!!


Do you really need to go all out for making some seeds? I would think even a few small clones and just enough lighting to flower will be enough to make you enough seeds to use and share. Your not growing for massive buds in this case. Then again, the materials after seed collection can still make nice hash/extracts.
As for controlling the pollen… would the carbon filter and ore filter Be enough? Now I’m wondering since I’ll be making a breeding chamber/tent in the future as well, but prob with bonsais or small clones.


So are you planning to just open pollinate in your bean tent? If so, i would certainly have a hepa on the intake of your flower tent, but I would honestly recommend that anyhow. Air is full of all kinds of dust and hair and crap and random tricks are sticky, so worthwhile regardless of pollen.

I’ve had good success harvesting and storing my pollen and applying it myself. You can bag an individual plant or branch and just work inside the bag, leave it on for a hour, then spray everything down inside the bag before removing it. The wetness will make the remaining pollen heavy and non viable so you can avoid just getting it everywhere. Do a few successive pollinations over a few days or a week for a full load of seeds. I’ve done this with single branches in a crowded cabinet and had almost no issues with unwanted pollination of neigh ouring branches on the same plant.

If you want to do open pollination then try to stagger your timing. If you set your cycles up so that your bean tent is in the prime pollinating window tight when you are first flipping your flower tent then you’ll be fine. Until your flower tent starts throwing pistils there is nothing to get fertilized, so no worry about drift knocking up the virgins.


I haven’t been able to confirm whether or not a carbon scrubber will remove pollen. If it will you can just maintain negative pressure in the tent so air can only ever go out via the filter.

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I’ve heard mixed results on this. If you want to be sure, stick a HEPA inline before your carbon.

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Cannabis pollen grains are fairly large, and not too hard to filter. You don’t need HEPA. Even MERV 8 furnace filters will cover you down to 3um.


Huh, well I’ll be dammed! But this is certainly a man to trust on the subject of pollen management so I guess nevermind my HEPA lust… :laughing:

I think I’ve been doing to much research on Tissue Culture lately. Oh god, bacteria everywhere, filter everything! :roll_eyes:


Nice. I mean it stands to reason since carbon scrubbers can take tiny smell molecules out of the air.


Hehe, well HEPA will definitely work, but it might be a little overkill. The cheapest way to go about it might be just to cut up some furnace filter in the MERV 8+ range and wrap it around the carbon filter. But generally I think most pollen “drift” I’ve experienced comes from opening/closing tents. So maybe a physical barrier and an external filter might help with that.


Thank you all for your responses!

The plan at the moment is to flip immediately after the clones are rooted. Hoping to keep both plants small and get enough seeds to keep some fresh to use/giveaway and some to put into cold storage.

I am planning on doing an open pollination.

Thank you for the insights! I will head over to the hardware store a pick up some filters. Both for the exhaust and intake of my flower tent.

In terms of a physical barrier I am thinking of installing a sheet of clear poly, with glove ports cut in. To work in the space. Along with two spray bottles one for the GBA3 another with water to kill pollen that is laying around.

Thank you all again, I will post some photos in the coming weeks as the project begins.
Great to be back on an enthusiast forum!

All the best,


Probably never a bad thing anyway :thinking:


I was thinking of exhausting one of these

thru a hepa/now merv+8 :wink: filter with a PC fan.
stand on end
filter intake and exhaust
Then flower in flower tent. What do you think?


Hmm that could be a great way of going about this! Only concern would be the humidity.

Would you collect then paint on the pollen?

How long is pollen viable after it falls?

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I would put a small male and female in there together let nature take its course but I have no experience in this so take this with a grain of rosin :grin:

Love this idea! :nerd_face:

This sounds like a promising way of going about it! I have some muffin fans not in use too… and might have a clear tote kicking around… free is good lol.

Thanks for the idea, might look at building this tommorow!

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Keep us posted I want to see this I think I’m going to build one myself in the not too distant future

for your imagination