Pollen in charcoal canister


I had some unplanned pollen in my last grow, and wonder if my 6 month old AC Infinity canister has to be replaced.

The canister and in-line fan were located outside my tent, sucking the air pollen out of the tent. Can the pollen be neutralized with water or should I just replace it the canister?

Thanks :green_heart:


At 6 months in the open I’d bet your pollen is dead.


Sorry, the canister has only been used for 6 months. The pollen is probably only a few weeks old.

I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I would put a new pre filter over it and carry on.


You should do a deep clean on the tent and gear in it. I use a mix of bleach and water. Spray everything down well and wipe it all down. That should kill any residual pollen.


Yeah even then I still wouldn’t worry about it. I bet you’ll be fine.

I don’t even do that but I tend to go for long enough periods of time between potential contamination so no big deal.


Thank so much @Foreigner and @DougDawson :green_heart:


Washing the pre filter wouldn’t hurt though.

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I have to, I tend to have a ton of pollen everywhere, lol. I won’t risk cross contaminating my next preservation run, even when months have passed. That’s just me though. It takes little effort to spray down and wipe up the tents.


I have a vague experiment in mind where I run a couple in my tent with the male, a couple in my cab without a male and see just how much cross transfer there is. They are less that 5 feet from each other and share the same air source.

If it’s full pollination, good, more seeds. If it’s zero pollination, good, smoking bud.

I may or may not actually do this.


I am going to say you will have plenty of pollination in a cabinet 5 feet away. Grains of pollen are smaller than the human eye can see and developed to be carried on the wind. When you open the tent with the male, you will fill the air with pollen. When I did my Sour Bubble run the plants I’m my basement got seeded and it’s 2 floors away from my grow room. It’s the main reason I will only do one pollination at a time.


I’ve done pollinations with multiple males but the pollen was segregated collected and carefully painted on. This was ~20 feet from my main grow.

But in such an experiment I’ve nothing to lose. Buds, seeds, equally good.


Yeah, lots of folks selectively pollinate but I personally won’t work with more than one pollen per run. It’s not a big deal when making seeds for personal use. Since I grow most seeds to send out I just don’t take any chances. I know folks take lots of precautions but I would never be able to say with 100% certainty that a seed produced came from 1 pollen or another. Since the grains floating around are smaller than a human eye can see it just adds to the problem. In the end its whatever makes you happy.

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I’m really looking forward to making seeds. But at the moment I’m a bit conflicted. I’ve come into possession of so many strains, by way of trades, that I want grow and try without any unplanned pollen delaying me.

I have a rough roadmap where I first need to be more observant and consistent. Then clone the best females, in case I fall in love with their effects. Then consider the next steps in creating seeds.

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It’s a journey with no set time frames man, glad you got a plan.


I found the pollen :rofl:

I probably won’t setup my fan & filter like this anytime soon. :man_facepalming: :smile: