Can pollen travel into nearby tents?

If there are two tents and each has a male and females, is it possible for pollen from one tent to accidentally pollinate a plant in another tent nearby?

Let’s say they are this close:

You can see the vents on the bottom of the tent line up.

I guess air will be pulling INTO the vent, but not 100% sure if that matters.

What about two tents that share a carbon filter/exhaust route?

Like this:

1 Fan pulling air through 2 tents into a filter.


Yes easily. Even if they were on different floors at opposite ends of the house


Damn that ruins some of my plans to have 2 tents both doing separate breeding projects at once…


100% guaranteed to cross pollinate.
one cross at a time per house.


100% yes with ease. Even if completely sealed, which tents are not, as soon as you open the tent pollen will fill the air around it. A grain of pollen is smaller than the human eye can see so it moves through the air no matter what you do.


Absolutely! I have a veg tent In a room with 20ft and a part wall between it and the flower tent. Filters going in and out… I care for the veg tent first, close it and than care for the breeding tent.
And still

That stuff gets every were.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Just like the others said, I agree. An absolute YES!


Man, much more respect for breeders now after finding this out. What a complication… One male at a time basically as far as I understand based on what you guys are saying.

How can you ever choose a male plant if they are basically time bombs for pollinating your entire property?


Growth, health, vigor. Choose the qualities in the vegging plants you like.


It can really travel that easily an far? That’s pretty damn impressive


It really is. It’s so small that although it settles just the air displacement of a person walking picks it back up and on it’s journey. Sticks to a person and their clothes to fly off anywhere as you walk.


Can I use the same male in 2 different tents? Like move it when it starts dropping pollen?

That way I could pollinate 2 tents with the same male?


Sure, it will probably do it for you. You can also just collect pollen and pollinate the bud sites yourself. Just collect some in a bowl, wipe a qtip in it and tap it over the bud sites. You will see the powder dropping onto them. Super simple.


I do the breeding with the whole pack. I use all males and females to get all the genetics possible. I grow one strain at a time in each of the two living areas. Not in flower at the same time.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I hack back my males and put it in a bathroom 30’ away that’s windproof. Works well.


I just came back from a 2wk vaca. I had an auto male sitting on the windowsill when I left. It had sacks, and had dropped a tiny amount of pollen.
When I checked on it yesterday, the pods were much larger and many had popped. The parchment paper under the plant had a lot of yellow on it.
I wanted to see if it was “done”…so grabbed a branch and just gave it a tiny shake…

POOOOF instant yellow cloud.

I don’t have any females up here. I have a couple in the basement that haven’t been hardened off outside, so they may get a bit of a hit…we’ll see.

This was just for my own curiosity. Once I get my garden beds filled and planted, I can get back to work on my “hobby”. My goal is to reverse a female and produce 1 round of fem seeds this summer.

Question for you experienced breeders:
I have some White Widow Cheese Cake that I want to cross with Gambien.
So do I grow out a female Gambien and reverse her, collect pollen and pollinate a White Widow?, or do I do the cross first, then reverse one of those females?



Until you want sinsemilla… Then its a PITA… A male in a tent in your home could pollenate a plant halfway across town in the right conditions.

Pollen… Gets… Everywhere…


Interesting thread. Going to have to rethink how I’m going to harvest this Blue Sunshine pollen without affecting my flower grow too much. I was planning on putting it in a tent downstairs directly below the flower room.

Was thinking about modding a tent with gloves from a sandblasting box so I can shake the pollen on to a collector below without having to open the tent.

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Franco used to say a grain of pollen could travel 120 Hectors


When I did my PPP run I had them on the top floor of my house in my grow room. 2 floors down I did a test grow for Mars Hydro with a couple autos. I tended the autos every day before going.up and tending the grow room. Now have some Auto crosses :slight_smile: