Cooling temp/time to induce coloring

So this is the first time ever I’ve had the opportunity to use cold night temps to induce natural coloring. My question is: How many weeks before the end of flowing should I introduce these cold night temps? I can have it go as cold as 5 degrees Celcius or 40F

In my opinion that’s too cold. Also your strain needs have the coloring in it’s genetic make up. Mine color nicely on their own about week 7 ish. Check my post you (introduction before the journal).

ive heard of dropping the temperature the last 2-3 days to increase trichome production. i’d guess a week is prob enough time but thats pure speculation


“Weeks”? No.
Last 2 nights at 55F should do the trick
Make sure your dehumidifier is cranked to the max tho.


Loves weed too!


Pot farmer’s worst nightmare.

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Got it bad in the green house this fall. Lost more than 4 oz of really kind produce. :anguished:

Course, my buddy sent it through his butane extractor. Parts made good eating still. Other parts were good for nothing. Not advised to put in the compost pile.

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Color change in the leafs is brought on naturally tword the end of the plants life just like trees in the autumn. A slight increase in temperature differential between day and night can help some.

I would like to know if someone has some knowledge about intensifying bud color, for example I’m with a red warf, I read things related to low temperature, but how much would be ideal?

Temps at 60-70° will give you increased anthocyanin production.


Drying and curing in the dark with coolish temperatures will help preserve color in dryed buds.


we just had this thread last week, try using the search function bro :thumbsup:

(is it just me or does the thumbs up look like a big bicep flexing?)

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And what about 48 hours of darkness before harvest?

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Then you need these :wink:{ifdyn%3Adyn}{ifpla%3Apla}{ifdbm%3ADBM&albch=DID}&acnt=494-037-6276&albcp=1001742164&albag=58011447588&slnk=&trgt=349615371962&plac=&crea=nl32830901210&netw=g&device=c&mtctp=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqK6qqvvt1wIVyZkbCh1pHwQjEAQYASABEgIeqPD_BwE



I would never buy that chinese shyte! They will break after second use… But cheap yes!


How about this… Military grade!



Its only a monoscope i would fall over into the plants lol.

Bi nocular a must :joy::joy::joy::sunglasses:

Unless you known as one eyed willy :wink: :sweat_smile::laughing:


BTW @Herbie, how would you try and color your plants thru controlling temp…? (trying to stay on subject…)

Plants will naturally change colors tword the end of its life cycle. The shortening of the days and the cooler temperatures of fall signal this. It’s just like a tree autumn. Your plant has to have the correct genetics, and the rest is kind of nature. You can decrease temps the last couple weeks of your cycle to help the process

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That wont affect the color, but some say it can increase trichome swelling. Something to experiment with :microscope:

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I used to let the temp drop into the upper 50’s F and that was enough to bring out the purple colors. Just a few nights of it at the end. Don’t believe in extended periods of darkness before harvesting.