Cooling temp/time to induce coloring

Learn something new every day lol.
I’ve been cutting the temps down to the mid 60’s from week 1 flower. Always get some color that way but now that I think of it, it’d probably work just on the last two days.
Might increase production with slightly higher night time temps, give it a head start without having the morning warm up slow things down.


This was the reason I bought one in the first place. Worked like a charm.

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My night time temp usually reaches 65, I think that’s pretty normal. I want it to reach mid-70’s quickly when the lights come on though.


Which one do you run? How often does it run? I´ve been looking into this one for a 9 x 5 tent.

This one is rated for more than my whole house, which is exactly what it will be doing all winter. Since I rehabbed this place, it doesn’t leak air or moisture, so all of the evaporation / transporation going on inside causes mold on the windows during frosty weather. It turns on about once every 15 minutes and is currently pulling about a gallon of water a day. Inside of windows are bone dry. RH is about 50/50. Indoor temp is steady at 68F and the tent runs a few degrees above that when the 600W HPS is running.


I can certainly vouch for cool night temperatures giving you foliage coloring, but haven’t tried with a variety that advertises colored buds to see if cool temps help those colors come out.

That’s from last winter/spring, temperatures dipped into high 50s at night… ended up with some lovely fall foliage :maple_leaf:


Certainly did. I see Jack Frost remains on the leaves. Hehehe

my windows are getting this upstairs (grow is in basement) but only on the windows that can open, i assumed the seals were starting to go causing a small draft. maybe i should move my dehuey upstairs because it doesn’t even kick on anymore downstairs ever. do you think it’s from the plants ?

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Dipped into the 50’s for 2 nights in Oct.
Turned my beautiful neon-green Cookies Kush into jars of ugly purple cat-turds :-1: I’m not a fan of coloring buds on purpose.

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This is not a good sign.

The plants are definitely the source here. I have 4 in flower, 18 in veg and more than 20 house plants all giving off water.

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yeah well once i started exhausting the tent in to the ducting the room stays at 40% all the time lol i guess it’s just blowing all that water upstairs throughout the house … didn’t think this over i guess

it’s only 40% RH upstairs too though so IDK. maybe i’ll get a inkbird controller and only run the exhaust over certain temps and only on low. maybe that will help!

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If your machine is running properly, it still may not want to turn if the RH is as low as 40%. Does it have a setting range?

Thing is, if you are venting the moisture into your building, if it is really tight, it wall cause mold spores to germinate. If not, probably not a big deal, good for your lungs to have some moisture in the air.

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yeah i have the machine set to the lowest it can go (35) now that it’s upstairs. downstairs in the flowering room i had it set to 55% but it never went above 40 there. it’s 44% upstairs and it’s running.

i really think the condensation is from the shitty seal on the windows - you can feel a draft if you put your hands by it - so the cold air meets hot air = water but i guess before i started exhausting thru the ducts i was emptying the dehuey every 2 days. i’m going to recaulk the windows anyways and leave it running upstairs since it wasn’t doing fuck all downstairs anyways.

sorry for derailing maybe someone can move me or make me a dehuey thread or somethng.

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From what I understand as long as you’re working with true purple genetics it doesn’t matter the temperature. That being said, I’ve also come to understand that a simple 15 degree difference between day and night (typical temp change anyways) helps bring out more colors overall, just like fall above latitude 42. We see dramatic temperature differences between night and day late summer and I imagine this is huge in bringing out the classic new england foliage

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