Creator knbsland growth of some varieties


:brazil: :brazil: :brazil:

hail hail everyone, I’m Creatorknbsland I’ve been growing weeds for 3 years cycle after cycle, my first germinated seed was 13 years ago, my first contact, apart from the love I have for ganja, I’m also an artist and I come across this cultivation diary here on OG bring a little of me that is being born around here… and be able to share my experiences with my plants in my self-sustenance… and learn a lot as it is already happening… what would the world of cannabis be without its lovers… …
at the moment here I have 3 spaces that I use to do my cycles…a refrigerator where I keep the 40x40 by 1.50 cm clones…30 watt led bass drum…there is a 80x80 1.60 tent with 240watts led , where is my flora that continues in perpetual cultivation there are always plants to harvest and plants in the middle of the flora and in the first weeks too … 80 in height with light bulbs tl5 100w…at the moment I’m doing a race with some seeds from some friends and a cross I made with a pollen that @ilexparaguaio sent me from an acid danwg f1 male, and a few more seeds that are available in this small cycle that I decided to make in 700ml glasses that are on a bed with substrate that I set up on the floor of the grow room…
the seeds are;
2 skunk #1
1 cheese
4 acid danwg KG f2, made by @Ilexparaguaio
4 daughter ogkb` x acid danwg f1 male
5 tangi x bruce barnney x goji og f2 male
2 diseltronic (resin seeds) x goji og f2 male

goji f2 male came from @mospri who presented another friend who made these crosses with her… the daughter of ogkb and a long story that I will tell you soon because she is my favorite and mother of some crosses that run in my flora grow… .

let’s go to the photos
below 48 hours after germination in humus as I learned from the master!

It stayed here for a short time and I already put it in small cups to firm the roots…
[WhatsApp Image 2023-07-24 at 12.16.12|690x388]


1 week already…
continues in the post below… peace


2 weeks from germination in soil with plenty of humus

I made kelp seaweed leaf

![WhatsApp Image 2023-08-05 at 18.00.36|690x388]



photo from yesterday with a month old… I’ll keep two days of 12 by 12 to see sex… then free up space to see more and manage to take some clones… we continue


Hey, they look very healthy!!

Only humus germination or mixed with some soil?


Good morning @Piter Thanks for stopping by…I did the germination only in humus…then they went to a perlite and peat substrate plus humus…germination in humus and what’s best


Very sweet seedling you got going The plants look healthy too


Thank you brother for stopping by…we continue @GrowingInThePines

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Good night grower! Today I’m very happy to have you lucky enough to be drawn and win a pack of Romulan in Doug’s draw!1
follow my update here…flowering continues, one acid danwg male and two females…the cross between the daughter of ogkb and the acid danwg f1 male came out with two males that are already in more advanced flora…and 2 females came out uhuuu. …the crosses between the tangi x goji f2 friends will produce 5 females… the diseltronic x goji f1 also have both females…I’m going to use the most vigorous male from the cross between the ogkb daughter x the acid danwg f1 male to generally polish what came without a partner…I’m going to do the F3 from Acid danwg and cross again with the ogkb’s daughter with the F2 male from the acid this time and also the bx1 with the ogkb’s daughter with the male she generated from the cross with the male from the acid danwg f1 generation…follow the photos…

![WhatsApp Image 2023-09-09 at 11.07.59 (1)|690x310]



hello brothers… an update from here, 3 weeks of flowering here and I already see resin in most of the plants… the bx1 that I made with ogkb’s daughter with the male acid danwg f1 x ogkb’s daughter is already showing seed results, The plants that are in the smaller grow are already pollinated by this same male, making the F2 of his lineage with 2 sister females, also crossing with a female acid danwg f2, plus 2 diseltronic x goji f2 and 5 tangi x gojif2 too… there will be f1 and f2 in this grow…I intend to leave the male for another 2 for 1 week…I already have a clone of him and some females too…in my larger grow there are both skunks, 1 plus cheese and a female acid danwg f2 that I separated it to make her f3…it also works my perpetuation and I have plants to harvest and plants starting to bloom…we continue



Hello, passing by to leave some photos of my little race…

some photos of the diseltronic x Goji og…I couldn’t make many clones…but I managed to make 2 of these…

I’ll post today’s photos after 5 weeks…

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Hello Og’rsss, it’s been a long time since I’ve updated here… let’s go!!! these more colorful plants that I posted above and one of the plants that I selected in this race… unfortunately I couldn’t post many photos, my media are too big, I’ll give a screen print from now on and I hope to show more of what I do here… .besides it, I’m taking most of them again and they’ve been in flower for 2 weeks here… I got a lot of seeds, acid danwg f3, and some f1, the f2 of this colorful plant which is a cross of the ogkb’s daughter that I have here with a male acid danwg f1 Karma genetics…out of all the harvest it came out very tasty…I’ll post more photos as soon as possible…

Follow how you are here… the last two photos are the hays, (acid danwg f1 x ogkb’s daughter)1# and #2 and a bx 1 from the same cross…


Follow the flora here growers! now with a more pleasant temperature after improving the exhaust @TioCranius strengthened in the exhaust…
Most start in the 5th week, going to the 6th week next… two are more advanced and starting the 7th week


Uploading: WhatsApp Image 2024-02-08 at 18.26.18.jpeg…


Hey, thanks for creating the journal!
Plants are looking really great. :sunglasses: :+1:

Dimming your light to the minimum before making pictures will get rid of the black stripes.

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Thank you @Rogue for stopping by my diary and also for the advice on taking better photos… here my LEDs don’t have a dimmer, they’re those 30 dollar Chinese ones hahahah… and my cell phone doesn’t help much hahaha some of these plants are clones of this cycle Above, I’ve already finished collecting seeds but I still can’t update here…

right Oge’rss follow the flora as it is here towards the end… some are already 8 weeks old and some are still arriving… I believe that by the 23rd I will be able to harvest the majority and some that need 70 days or more to continue the flora… Some of these plants are clones from this cycle that I started from seed in the middle of last year. I selected the ones I liked the most and I’m taking them again to see what stays and what comes out. won here at OG… looking forward to seeing how they turn out in my care… Romulan is one of those that I want to open without a doubt…