Terpenes versus Total Cannabinoids (smaller set of data, smaller number of terpenes analysis):
Terpenes versus Max THC (note x-scale range):
Terpenes versus Max CBD:
That’s interesting. FYI, clusters on the left hand side of graphs two and three indicate the different type. E.g. mostly THC, mostly CBD.
I’d say the number of CBD type plants are rather sparse relative to the THC types such that the data isn’t sufficient to understand the terpenes trend for CBD. The range and average seem similar. Although this could be worth further investigation.
Also interesting is that it does appear that terpenes production is coorelated to the cannabinoid percentages across the sample set. The spread (range at any percentage) is a matter of further interest as well and is probably in some way coorelated to environment/storage + genetics. Unfortunately, we can’t look at genetics specifically since most samples differ. And, we can’t look at environment/storage specifically since that data isn’t included.
I might be able to eek out something useful by looking at the THC vs THCa which might give us a hint if there is some decomposition going on that could also affect terpenes.