Cultivating in Brazil... The new cycle that began on February 28, 2022 Mauimangohaze AncestralSkunk

Hello friends and friends!
It was some time without entering the OG many changes at the beginning of the year, returning with the new cycle of 2022.
So let’s start with the dimensions of the 66.5cm wide grow space; 39.5 deep; 1.20 meters tall (wardrobe).
Lighting: Two separate boards and different power model quantum 60w leds lm301h deep red 660nm and a 120w lm283b chip complementing deepred 660nm plus two UV leds 395nm and two farred leds 730nm, one 85w fluorescent to help raise the temperature which is a little cold.
Vessels/substrate: One 25 liter vase and one 30 liter vase. Substrate with coconut fiber, perlite, vermiculite, rice husk, dolomitic limestone, activated castor bean cake, biochar, husk limestone, sulfur, calcium carbonate, earthworm humus, rabbit dung, chicken dung.
Food: Fermented fruit juices from #knf techniques to provide energy and strength to plants, rooting hormone made with germinated castor seeds found in Brazil, application of lactic acids, aloe, WCA and now waiting for the production of IMO2 and EMs.
The varieties went through a lot of stress due to some inevitable changes… but they recover well giving the first signs of female, the seeds of these genetics I got from a friend… they are a #MauiMangoHaze and #AncestralSkunk I don’t have much information about the genetics. In the photos below I have some small records of the beginning of their growth and at the moment they have 30 days of vegetation, their cycle was very varied in terms of environments because there were many changes, hahahaha… the girls’ cycle was in a smaller space than the current one I described at the beginning with only simpler lights like domestic led and fluorescent lamps, but now I’ve switched to quantum boards…


Looking nice

I’m growing a Maui mango haze pheno I quite like right now.


Very nice!

On a side note… why did the schools in the states never cover metric measurements other than to teach us there were other ways to measure things?! I shouldn’t be as this old and still have to look up a conversion chart to tell how long 100cm is.


I did read somewhere Brits and all their old empire countries drive left side because Napoleon didn’t conquered them as the rest of Europe icon_e_surprised|nullxnull, they like to feel different from the others, Brexit included, so the US as an ancient colony has heritated at least the empire measures …

Sorry @Brazilian_greenElf for the off topic :pray:, good to see you back and willing to see them grow … beer3|nullxnull


Dimensions of the 26.18" wide grow space; 15.55" deep; 47.24" tall (wardrobe).

I couldn’t have agreed more…
Thought I would put this here! :wink:


I’m enjoying this hay, very resistant plant

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exact… could be a universal measurement… just like liters or gallons…
gratitude!! I’m committed to this cycle… well focused

Hello Friend how are you?? I’m happy to always be very well received here at OG…continue the topic is interesting

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I noticed that indica plants like more Ca Mg in the soil… There’s no shortage of this substrate mix!

Hi amigo beer|nullxnull , tried your trick of the clones with aloe vera but unsuccessfully :sweat:. I’m always happy watching growing the Brazilian community here :brazil:, specially enjoying those guerrilla pics while here it’s winter :penguin: . Wanting to see all those Haze growing up … beer3|nullxnull

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the secret of that cloning method is the temperature… The guerrilla here is a luxury for those who have the courage

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Where did you get the ancestral skunk from, the genetics are, supposedly, Sam the skunk man had some predutch stock that he did a repro in the early 90s. But when I did an F2 run, that I sent most of them to Sebring to spread, all I found were a bunch of sweet skunks. Mostly fruity and citrus.


I got these strains from a friend… Ancestral skunk is a very strong strain, fast stretching, very characteristic sativa… maui mango clearly an indica… both are very strong… I intend to cross the clones, if all goes well… .

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Very tantalizing strains @Brazilian_greenElf, looking forward to watching things grow!

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hey bud! I’m looking forward too every day they are more exuberant

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do you know the skunk ancestor well? Any tips on food? flowering time and average yield?

I got these strains from a friend… Ancestral skunk is a very strong strain, fast stretching, very characteristic sativa… maui mango clearly an indica… both are very strong… I intend to cross the clones, if all goes well… .

Does anyone have links about the history of the strains and their creators!!!

Their used to be a decent amount of info on the ancestral skunk in IC mag, Sam the skunk man was very vague about the specifics on, and basically said what I said earlier. They are supposed predutch skunk, which means they were from before he started breeding it to the sweet side, and again, supposedly we’re supposed to have the RKS phenos still in them. According to Sam him and some friends ran an open pollination in a field in the early 90s on these predutch skunks and that’s what the ancestral skunk is.

As for my experience, I’ve only grown it twice, technically 3 times if count the seed run and the running of those same mother clones without seed. But they are really easy to grow, decent harvest, decent end product, I grew dtw in coco and they handle problems fairly well.
As for the end product, they all cured to a typical sweet skunk and compared to a lot of modern things they really aren’t anything special, just a typical “up” more paranoia inducing high and that’s why I haven’t run them since.

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Interesting… A good strain to cross and use your ancestral genes…