Dankmaster’s Island Crippy auction and partial OG fundraiser

Lol. 6 it is

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Hey @OriginalDankmaster96 , you may want to update the list to reflect the bids to make it easier for folks to see where thins stand :v:


Current bidders lots - will regularly update so you know what’s available

1 Tejas $35

2 FieldEffect $40

4 Topshelftrees1 $35

5 Ohno555 $35

6 Bayareasoil $35

7 Smoklahoma $35

8 Firehead $40

9 Oldgator $40

13 ix3u $35

36 Blendedmedmedman $35

35 Slammedsonoma420 $35



You read my mind bud :wink: Was doing this last night as it was getting chaotic.

I’ve cut the the number of lots down. IF there’s enough of a request for a 2nd round after onlookers see what’s grown out, I’ll put up the other half.


Put me down for #35$35. Everyone have a safe and enjoyable weekend. Thanks for putting these up @OriginalDankmaster96


Bump, see if we can get some action going on here.


Thanks @Slammedsonoma420 I appreciated that :facepunch:

Perhaps another plant pic helps. This female isn’t going crazy vertically. It’s actually staying quite short and it has the odor of Corn, so it’s going well. It’s going to veg for awhile, tent is filled so plenty of time to watch. Maybe a little fussy on overwatering but otherwise hardy so far.


It doesn’t seem unreasonable to get in touch first. I get that you tried to dot your “i’s” and cross your “t’s” before you started, now there’s a misunderstanding, it’s not all for not.

So what is happening now? You’re ending the auction and moving the rest of the stock to strainly?

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The auction will end as scheduled, and I agree it’s not all for naught.

IF I do another, I will run a poll first to see there’s enough members that want the rest to be put up, otherwise I’m better off trying at Strainly.


Bump’in this to the top. Last day. Everyone otta get in on this while you can. Thanks @OriginalDankmaster96 for doing this.
Overgrow the World!:grin::green_heart:


Thanks, I appreciate the bump in the final hours. Perhaps after grows are done, more interest will be requested, but I’ll have to see enough to do it. Congratulations to those who did get in. ANYTHING can happen to my situation that could stop everything in its tracks, so what I offer now is based on time limits out of my control, and when it’s over I’m no longer able to offer.


Hell yeah on the 2 surprise for all! Dam I knew this was good to get in on! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::sunglasses::v:

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@OriginalDankmaster96 thanks for all of your hard work on this killer strain, i really hope folks around here see the strain and jump on it, it is fire. @thepollock @kushdaddy


Damn, wish I didn’t miss this. Is this the Origional Crippi from Kauai?


Hey @Ottafish , lots 56 through 59 :wink: There is still a chance :v: You can get some while supporting a good charity at the same time.

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Oh sweet! I thought it was over! I’m always down to support kids with cancer. I’ve been through that bull shit with my first son. Luckily a bone marrow transplant saved his life. It was hell!

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Yeah brother, really cool they got him sorted out. I doubt there are many that have not had some kind of dealings with cancer in this day and age. It’s a dam plague.

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That’s for sure.

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