Charity Auction

I have been thinking of starting an auction and asking some friends on here to chip in some strains to help children. I did this once before on another site and raised $5000 for Make A Wish Foundation I was thinking of trying to help St. Jude’s this time around. I am hoping every cent could go towards the children but I will of course have to talk to the site owner and work something out.
Would folks be willing to buy quality genetics for this worthy cause? If so I will start to get the ball rolling to make it happen………,.


Great you’ve done it before. LouDog was/is doing that with success. Do it!


I do not see a great deal of interest in this endeavor.
Que sera, sera


I just ran one, thought everyone wanted Crippy I’m not requiring testing on, but only 11 packs of 38 at a fraction of retail I paid for Corn that can’t be bought anywhere…so idk, recession ? Maybe you’ll have better results than me


Not sure where the OG spirit has gone, but I want it back!!!


Out running errands. Back now. I’m down!! St. Jude’s is a fantastic place to support!


@Oldjoints Could be a lot of America still in vacation mode. It’s only been a few hours my man. Don’t give up before you get started. Props to you for wanting to help the kids and the community!


I will participate.


What volume are you hoping for? May only be a person or two a day, but that really adds up.

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I’m always up for a charity cause.

@OriginalDankmaster96, what is crippy? Did you have a charity run?


Yes, Crippy is a TK phenotype and Pakistani Blue, this particular version was probably TK/FL OG and Ducksfoot.

I’ll do it again IF I see enough requests for the remaining packs.


I don’t know how I missed this. I’m always looking to buy. Especially for server funds or charity auctions.

Mad props on the pics, she’s beautiful. Keep me posted if you run another one. One thing I’ve noticed of late is the new topics move down pretty fast. I’m thinking it’s probably because of the new states legalizing and new members posting. I refresh periodically, but it depends how busy the threads are. Maybe Joe can pin it like he does other server auctions.

@Oldjoints Maybe a collaboration with LouDog? Same charity.


Yup, it was periodically bumped by the gracious bidders, which I appreciated and Loki pinned it for me, but still not much activity. More likes than actual bids, which was mind boggling after running a vote name thread for it, which Island Crippy won by 60% 33 votes, and was like each person that voted has to be interested, not so. It could be more attention after the members won grow it out. I’ll be posting updates on my project thread, just about 2 months now.


How long was it up for?

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6/23 - 7/4

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At the top of the page?

I must be blind or retarded because I swear I didn’t see it.

I’ll tag your page and stay updated. I love a good auction :slight_smile:


Not on the general page, which was confusing since I saw other auctions there, but posted in community since was part for OG funding.


I see. That’s why I didn’t see it.

I have the auction marked as watching should you decide to do it again.

Good on you for doing it.


I’ll tag you on my thread when I do updates on growth and then to flip :wink:

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I will participate in this. I’m not always here, but even if I miss the auction, I will donate to the fund. St. Jude’s is a great place, so count me in :raised_back_of_hand:t3: