Deficiencies on Motherplant after taking clones / pruning

Hey people, once again I am in need of some help.

I have some motherplants that I feed a flowering formula at a strength of approx. 1.0 mS from nutrients. The plants look good until I prune them to take clones. Then I get deficiencies 1 or 2 days later. I confess that I cut them down heavily. This does stress the plants but I am really confused why the plants show such severe signs when they look perfectly fine when just growing.

Is this normal? Could it be an issue with too little micronutrients? Has anyone experienced this before and solved it?

Appreciate all input. Thanks. :slight_smile:


:thinking: eh… not IMO.

(Are the pictured leaves from the cuttings or mother?)
It’ll be “over-fed” after removing a lot of the plant, if it was fed before pruning…(not enough plant to buffer it)… ???



I don’t know your exact set up or your deficiency, but my mom’s get rain water mixed with well water since my well water is highly loaded with calcium. I also cut my nutrients in half and use CFL lights on them rather than LEDs. I still get some issues sometimes.

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Just speculation but there may have been some mobile nutrients in the cuts you took that caused the deficiency and/or stress to those leaves on the mother. Maybe a foliar to help rejuvenate it after taking cuts would help reduce the side effects. Hope this helps.


I keep bonsai mothers. I feed a steady veg formula, with maybe a dose of bloom the day before taking cuts (if I planned ahead). I only water/feed when the plant needs it. If you cut back heavily, it won’t use as much water, and it can be easy to over water during that time. Also, excess of some nutrients can build up and lock out others. If it’s not a overwatering issue, try watering (with your feed solution) till it has a decent amount of run off to dissolve out extra salts that may have built up. Do that when it actually needs to be watered regularly (has foliage). Don’t let it sit in tray of water, drain it well.

I realize you may not be growing in soil, but still, a balanced feed is more important to a mother plant in veg.