Are these overwatered or deficient?

Good morning I was stoked to run across Overgrow V2.0 after being gone for what seems like 10+ years. Anyhow…I am about to top my headband clones that stretched a little bit, and I was trying to flush out the nitrogen in the soil so I would have better chances of rooting the top as a clone. Did I overwater trying to flush them?? Also look at my 2nd picture… I cannot get that curl to go away??? Any advice or opinions would greatly be appreciated!!

Wow, you taco’ed those very well. I assume you flushed with lot’s of water and stripped the soil of readily available nutrients and threw your PH out of ideal range. You want your mother as healthy as possible when you take clones not nitrogen deficient. I promise that a healthy plant will root better than an unhealthy one. I wouldn’t spend a lot of time trying to figure out what happened. Just get everything back to normal.

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Thanks bud. I tested my runoff with a digital ph meter and it comes out @ 6.5 which I thought was damn near perfect so I am going to transplant them into their final 10 gallon pot and see what happens?!?!

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Good luck, I hope everything turns out well for you.

How close is the light? Could that be a problem?

Dunno what taco’d means?? But I assume it’s not a compliment. Haha. I find it hard to believe that it’s a lack of nutes causing this. I am growing in ocean forest mixed with growstones (perlite), and promix hp also amended with extra crustacean, kelp, blood and bone meat. I have oyster shell flour, lime, and greensand to buffer ph.

The light is air cooled and is over 12" away with temps less than 75 degrees at the canopy level. So i don’t think it’s the lights???

Taco is when the leaves roll up like a taco. What size light is that? If it is a 1000 watt you might back them off a foot and see if the plants recover. If it is a 600 watt then i am stumped. Over watering will wilt a plant. If severe the plant can lay on the floor from lack of air in the root zone. (literally suffocating) What you have is usually nute burn (but no scorch on your leaves), PH imbalance, or intense light. I hope you figure it out.

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You have way to many ph buffers in there and with that lime youre gonna have a shit load of mag in your soil. Id use only oystershell and crab shell if i were you. You can even cut out the oyster shell because crab is better.

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I had the same issue with some that I had flush. Just transfer and feed, add calmag and zinc. Mine was a lack of zinc.

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I don’t think so but have been wrong before.


I still am leaning towards ph imbalance or light toxicity. Iron deficiency is close but unlikely in veg but flushing could have made a minor iron deficiency appear temporarily.

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Looks like what mine have done from a ph issue, right before the dreaded brown spots appear…and then you KNOW its a ph issue…lol

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Thanks to everyone for their responses! I am still not 100% sure what it is. I am growing 14 different strains and the only one this occurs in is my headband cuts. I am thinking the strain is finicky and sensitive to heat exhaustion. Any more thoughts??

I’m not sure since I’m a new grower but from differ literature I’v come across it might be heat stress … leaves will try to minimize exposure due to heat that’s why they fold up to reduce surface area try increase air flow and moving lights further away.

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Ladies are looking better. Raised lights, added in some silica to their diet, and turned down my ballast to 600 or 750 as needed. Thoughts??


its to little mag calcium
hope this helps much love from the grow community and is it poss u may have locked cali mag out i switched from soil along time ago i could be wrong im dwc now but my notes from soil it says its cali mag

My runoff stays at 6.5 with all my plants