Deficiency ID help!

Hey folks,

I’m having a hard time figuring out what’s going on with my mother plant that I’m flowering. All my other plants are doing just fine. The one to the left is actually a clone off the mother plant. They are all planted in foxfarm soil. I’ve been using botanicare nutrients and phing my water to 6.3 to 6.4. The yellowing and color change recently started happening. I just hit week 3 of flower. Any ideas or suggestions before I water them again?


What EXACT nutrients are you using?

Look like you should make sure to give it a good boost of nitrogen and maybe check for any pest infestations…


Botanicare pure blend pro bloom soil formula, cal-mag, liquid karma, and the occasional TM-7 for trace elements. No pests that I can see.

If it’s been a mother for a good long while it may just be senescense. Colors look gorgeous. Cooler temps might be bringing it on but looks natural to me FWIW


Looks hungry to me… What’s going in, what’s coming out ppm wise?


When your feeding p.k in flower you also need nitrogen. I’d be checking your pH for lockout. Ignore my last comment :roll_eyes:


Here’s a close up of the leaf.

My other ladies, they thirsty for sure.


I was watering a 2.0 EC got a bit of tip burn so I scaled it back to 1.5 EC. I usually do straight water every other watering. I haven’t checked the run off yet.

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Honestly. Check your pH run off and flush with water that’s pH 5.8 to 6.2 until the run off matches since your in flower. Soil does have buffers but they eventually wash out.


Solid, I’ll try it in a few hours and let yall know how it goes.


If you get the pH in range all nutrients are available to the plant. You’ve came this far it would be a shame to loose them this far into flower. pH is the MAIN culprit if you see a plant struggling like this :+1:


It’s just a guess… but I’d make sure those plants in the corner are getting some good air.


I figured as much, but I’ve also been hitting it at 6.3 pretty consistently so the second things started to turn I’m like shit do I need to go up or down?! I think I’m going pull away from foxfarm soil after this run. I think maybe it’s all the buffers that are throwing me off.


I would yank the plant from the pot chek the corners in the bottom of the pots for black mold. Looks like extreme over watering and lack of airflow to the roots. Do you use hydroton stones at the bottom? Strait soil gets too wet at the bottom growers need that stone under the soil. I wait till the leaves go from praying to drooping then water. About every 3 to 4 days max. Looks like soaking wet bottom to me.

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This might help you out…


Are you following the feeding schedule? I use to use the pro blend ALONG TIME AGO and had some issues but this was when I was kind of new. I’d follow the chart to a “T” and look into just growing with organic amendments in the future :peace_symbol:

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so many colors oooooooooooooooooooo

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I’ve got that going on with a reveg I let get a bit big :sweat_smile: cuts are coming off tomorrow then into the flower tent she goes

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So last night I pulled the root ball up and checked the roots. Everything was on the dry side, no mold or pests.

I went ahead and flushed the soil with water only at 6.2 pH. The runoff came out 6.0 to 6.1.

I’ve been following that chart somewhat. I’m just more barebones and feed bloom @ 10 to 15 ml per gal which gets me to about 1.5 EC with Cal-Mag


Nice job and wow that sucks. You’re other plants look fine it’s like I have seen Some plants like people just don’t want to be here. Good Luck milkin her back to life!

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