Clone box issues

I’ve got a bunch of cuts in a bubble cloner, some of them have really wilted hard and started to get spots on them, but are still pushing roots, curious if anyone has any experience with this and could guide me as to what’s going on here. I’m running plain tap water with about a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide, pretty basic stuff. Any info/help would be rad. Thanks all :v:t2:


If they have roots, maybe its time to plant them. Sounds like they want nutes now. Just a guess.


A pic would help to find the issue … beer3|nullxnull


Just got home, threw that post up in line at the bagel spot, I’ll get a pic up in a minute here.


Here we go, looking particularly rough this morning


Thanks, maybe you should trim dead or dry leaves and those big fans, too much work to sustain them for those tiny roots. You should concentrate on new growth. Do you mist them or have a dome? :sunglasses:


I always chop all the leaves in half when I put it in a bubble cloner. You don’t want the plant concentrating on the new growth above you want it concentrating on roots. When they have full leaves that’s a lot more area for them to transpire and lose water to the atmosphere because there’s not enough roots to pull it up


thanks for the suggestions guys, when i was cloning in soil id always chop leaves and put a dome over them, have’nt been doing that in the bubble cloner, but ill give it a shot now for sure.


Is that a water pump I see? Do you have any air stones in there making bubbles or are you just moving water around? Just curious. what ever your doing must work, you have roots.

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I leave a couple lower leaves on on purpose to give the clones something to eat.

If they yellow away no big deal.


@Floyd no airstones, just the water pump that the unit came with, thought about adding some stones/pump because i figure more oxygen is better than less, but like you said, it seems to be working to a degree, so i figured simpler is better.

@Foreigner i kind of figured the same thing, ive seen others just throw cuts into these things or into the aero cloners with full leaves, figuring that the plant would eat up whatever nutes are left in the leaves etc. wondering if that could be whats happening with the ones that are yellowing/browning etc. because they are all pushing out roots.

weird position overall because im getting roots, but the plants themselves look real hurt. ultimately if i get viable clones out of it alls well that ends well, but i guess im trying to troubleshoot this system since its new to me.


Cleaned up:


I made mine and just have an air pump and air stones. Works great, 100% success rate. They also stay pretty much green, no misting or dome needed.
Also the stems aren’t in the water. The bubbles splash up and keep them wet.


That’s good to know man, I have a pump that I use for aerating teas, maybe I’ll snag another and let it be the dedicated cloner pump, the thing moves some serious water

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Ugly but no problem:

All the best


my clones are looking pretty similar to yours lol pretty rough!


Befor taking cuts of the mum she must be prepped
Bloom Feed ( low n , high p and k ) one week befor taking cuts with good calcium and mag levels also in feed ) this will make cuts root faster ( p is for roots in veg ) and overal Health of cuts good ( k ) and the low n in cuts , will make them fire out roots quicker as they search for n , if cuts have lots of n in them they will just sit there happy no need for food kind off

It’s easy for plant to store n , but they store way less p and k in them so if mums are fed high n low pk ( veg feed ) then that def is what usually shows ( pk ) in cuts


this is all great stuff, glad to know that im not super far off the mark on how these things look.

@ifish thats all really good info man, thank you for sharing, these cuts were basically my last shot at getting clones made as the plants they came from are moving into flower, so i really didn’t pay attention to their nutrient load before cutting. my hope is to get a healthy cut to keep as a mom and i will definitely make a note of your suggestions when and if it comes time to take cuts from a healthy mother. thanks again!!


It’s a little bit of spray with potassium. They’ll darken up. Something from advanced nutrients Three months later I do hope you made it