Deficiencies/Yellowing in Super Soil

Hey all —

I’m 44 days into flower. Hoping to wrap up by 60 days, but we’ll see how that goes. Overall, I’m really pleased with how these girls have bounced back, but I do have a question/concern.


Any thoughts on the shorter/purpling gal (first two pics)? At the start of flower, I was late in top-dressing by at least a week or two. She looked pale and hungry, so I had to supplement with some faster-uptake nutrients (bloom teas, Neptune’s Harvest, etc.) while waiting for the top-dress to break down. She’s been starting to turn purplish at the canopy, though the leaves underneath are lush and green. The right gal is looking much healthier, I suppose. Is it worth intervening on the left plant (flushing, I imagine) at this late stage of flower? Is it possible this is just senescence?

Thanks, all. Hope you’re having a great weekend.


I just see a natural fade with most the bud production done, just part of the ripening and nothing to be concerned about. Just the plant flushing the excess nutes out

Got the same thing going on with my choc d plants 2-3 weeks from chop ( hard to see the purpling in the pic)

Colder nighttime temps will bring out more purple too if u wanna encourage the coloring


I think your good. Would just keep on doing what your doing. They are looking good to me.

I notice purpling tops that get alot of wind from the fans, don’t think it’s anything to worry about.


purple girl is gonna look fairly rough at the end, but be ok. how do the trichs look? a week or so left?

the hairy one has a ways to go. when and what did you top-dress last?

dang, what happened there? you washing that one?

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They are two weeks from chops and soil organics, I don’t see anything wrong, just fading out almost ready to finish it’s lifecycle, it’s just a seed run and buds are still plenty green, if ur seeing really green till the end on everything then ur nutes didnt flush out enough without that fall colors fade

There’s a better close up


Looking at the last couple of weeks:

7/28: Top-dressed 1 cup of Kis Organics Nutrient Pack, watered-in full lineup of Roots Organics liquid nutes, plus Terp Tea (TT) Bloom Booster (all Roots products at 50% strength)

8/1: Watered-in full lineup of Roots Organics liquid nutes, plus TT Bloom Booster and TT Microbe Charge (all at 100% strength)

8/6: Top-dressed 1 cup of Kis Organics Nutrient Pack, watered-in full lineup of Roots Organics liquid nutes, plus Terp Tea Bloom Booster (all Roots products at 100%; brewed for 24hrs this time)

Since then it’s been just water. All trichomes on the purple girl are clear. I can post shots later, but my USB microscope is charging.