What does my plant need?

Hey friends…total newbie question here, but I am hoping to learn.
I have one plant in my tent that is looking especially rough. Is this a magnesium deficiency?



Not enough information to say one way or the other. Soil type, feeding schedule and type nutes you are using, pH going in and pH of run off. Based on the leaf it looks like a potassium deficiency.


Need more info. Medium,ppm,pH??


I would go with Magnesium … ejem|nullxnull


Potassium has burnt leaf margins and more blotches than spots … beer3|nullxnull


I’d look closely at your ph. It looks like you might have a couple issues going on. I find that a lot of the time growers have issues it stems from ph or environment


We’ll need more info, otherwise it’s like throwing darts at a wall without a bull’s eye.


Ok, so my medium is EB Stone “edna’s blend” bagged potting soil.
Have been intermixing plain water with some alaska fish fertilizer and some occasional superthrive.
Recently noticed some serious leaf yellowing ona couple plants (this one especially) and was thinking it needed more phosphorous, so I did a watering using Morbloom.
All the stuff I have been feeding has been per the bottle instructions.
Measured my ppm of the outgoing water recently and it was about 1700 ppm…so I am top watering with plain water to try and get things flushed out a bit.
One weird thing about this plant is that the water doesn’t pass thru the soil as quickly as all the rest! Not sure why.

Thanks for the help everyone :grin::+1:


Great natural and organic way to add potassium and lime to your soil without burning your plants, especially since it’s winter, is fireplace Ash! Get your pH worked out and maybe a top dressing with a lil bit (1/2 cup per 5 gallon of soil) immediately after a good flush


The watering issue is because of peat moss in the blend, if your pot is dryer than the rest it blocks water out till it can get more saturated, other pots are prob retaining more water and why u may be noticing a difference, when building a soil if u substitute peat for coir u don’t deal with that issue


1700ppm is a really high level for such a young plant. I’m personally thinking it’s nutrient burn. I’d be pushing just plain old PhD water through the pots to get the ppm right down to an acceptable level then LITFA until she bounces back. :v:


The soil seems good.
Why fuck it up by adding anything other than water?
These plants grow high in the mountains and deserts…
They don’t need much at all.

Water less and water only from the bottom. Like… once a week, max.
Overwatering, overfeeding and overworrying are most often the causes of trouble.


Be more lazy.


Ok, this is where I start to over think…
I am good with watering from the bottom as I have gnats otherwise.
I have been trying not to over water, but I question how much to water and how often.
Should I give less water more frequently…or more water on a less frequent basis.
I have tried to be conservative and only water them a bit when they look droopy…but I end up watering every 3 days or so.
Thanks for putting up with all my newness…i am still learning a lot.


Forget about water for at least a week.
Maybe top dress with some organic matter like tree leaves, grass, kitchenscraps…

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Nutritional deficiencies most likely induced by a poor root system. It’s not functioning as it should. I’d drench/leech the pot with rain water several times until you’re sure the soil is saturated thru out. Peat has a nasty habit of rejecting water once it has dried out too much.

When you water don’t be timid. The soil should end up saturated. It is almost impossible to over water, IF, you have a dense root system and plenty of healthy foliage which will wick off excess moisture.

It’s not a K issue nor Mg, and contrary to the advice never add ashes. Hardwood ashes are caustic raising the pH.

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Well to try to discredit my advice putting ashes in the soil medium clearly has no basis to go off of. I’ve been adding that amendment for several grows and just like everything else it needs to be done in moderation, 1/2 cup per 5 gallon of soil keeps in such a minute amount. Instead of arguing with u about it though I’ll just let my results speak for itself…

Now what were u saying about not ever adding ash? Don’t knock it till you rock it!!!

I’m growing better quality than anything I can get at the local dispensary and have picked up a few buyers consequently cuz again, quality speaks for itself :wink:

I’ve spent a LOT of time researching soil biology and doing some testing to figure out the good the bad and the ugly. As you can clearly see by the pics I don’t deal with excess/deficiency issues except I had one plant this year I accidently gave it two doses of tea in veg and had to give it a flush and a week in timeout, now a week away from harvest and that plant is looking phenomenal.

*Click on pics for better resolution


What is the result of your soil’s pH before and after? Nice plants, which reflects cannabis may be a lot more tolerant to pH values than most think.



What I’ve heard is that the plant likes pH swinging up and down (in the valid range) so that way all nutrients at one moment are available, going out of that safe range might bring problems … :roll_eyes:

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I really can’t thank you guys enough. Tons of great info…and pics of awesome buds to keep me motivated!!
I am having the best time learning all this stuff!!
Such a great community we have here.
Hopefully as I get better with this, I can help out other newbies like myself. :+1:

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Well…here is what no watering for a week looks like. I can now eliminate this as a cause of my problems…


If you water them they will bounce back. I honestly think it’s a pH problem they have been having and it’s stopped the plants up taking the required nutrients causing a lockout hence the high 1700ppm your seeing. If the pH is out the elements are no longer available to the plant. Always always always start with the pH before chasing any other issues.