Dehumidifier question

need a cheap dehu for a 4x8 i only grow 4x4 but plants are late flower help lol 15 plants


It’ll be hard to put one in the tent due to heat generation. Do you have a lung room?

Cheap and proper dehumidification aren’t words that really go together. If you buy a cheap, small dehumidifier (I.e. less than $100) for inside your tent, prepare to be dissatisfied.

52 liter unit in lung room, will cost a couple hundred dollars, and you’ll need to empty it 2x/day or plumb it to a floor drain. And then you still need to consider heat generation. Just wanted you to know what to anticipate. Good luck.


Hey man i have to run a dehumidifier in my 5x5 for flower due to the rh shooting up at night. I have it hooked up to an inkbird and it keeps the rh in the 45-50 range before kicking on.

It definitely does produce heat and that cant be super annoying in the summer when my house isnt using the air conditioner.

So far so good tho. It brings my 5x5 up about 5f and its never above 81f in the tent. In the dead of winter it will work really good keeping the temps at around 76-78f. It can be a pain when you forget to empty the res and notice super high rh at lights off then you have to figure out how to dump the res in the dark lol.

I also use it for drying in a 4x4. Temps are mostly a problem when drying. Ive had the 4x4 up to 81F while drying also. I havnt really nailed that part but i did rig up a box and ducting and ran the duct into the tent so the dehumidifier sat outside but that made me uncomfortable cause i definitely restricted the intake with the box and duct set up.


Don’t ignore that a dehumidifier pulls a lot of power. Mine is 5 amps.


Im afraid to do the math on how much they cost to run. I have 2 running in my basement. 1 is 24/7 and the other is only when the inkbird tells it to which is a few times every hour at lights off


I use a dehumidifier year round due to how humid my area is. Also definitely the biggest power draw of my grow.

I keep it in my lung room and often set humidity on the dehumidifier just below where i want the tent to be and fine tune it with the inline fan speed and controls.

If i have a veg tent, or drying tent and a flower tent, ill attach a piece of ducting to the top vent of the dehumidifier so the flower tent is pulling its intake air directly from the dehumidifier.

Where you locate it in your room can also make a big difference in temperature and humidity control. I usually keep it in the corner next to my flower tent, thats just where ive found it works the best. If its getting too hot, ill vent out the window and leave the door to the lung room open so it pulls cooler air into the room. Id use an AC but none of the windows can fit one.


Figure 1kwh per 2 hours = ~$1.75 a day with my energy prices.

Very rough math.


Ai just told me the 1 model i have uses 700w in 1 hour :flushed: damn i maybe that explains my high electric bill

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Yeah they are burners for sure. But if you need ‘em you need ‘em


I usually get all upset and angry and then hit myself with the fact i was spending like 5k a year at the dispo. Energy cost justified lol


Yes I feel the same way. I’m happy to spend a little money considering all the money I save.


Alright, so

What I’ve found regarding dehumidification, you ALWAYS want to buy an overspec’d machine, buy a bigger one than you’ll think you need. I ended up getting a Vremi dehumidifier on amazon, i got the 50 pint/4500 sq ft version and never looked back. I use it in a standard sized room. Look, it’s almost as tall as my dresser:

It should be noted, it generates very warm exhaust and will heat your room up quite a bit. Also as stated, it’s a hefty power draw as well. But IMO this is still the best route


I like this one so much I’ve bought two… :laughing:

{that pricing is in ‘beaver bucks’}



I’ve also got two govee life dehumidifiers. They’re also roughly $200. One in my flower tent and one in my dry tent. Like seeds said, it raises my temps 6-9 degrees if it’s got to run a bunch…but it works well and has a hose to drain so I don’t need to empty buckets. Goodluck!


I must have went super overkill with a waykar 80pint dehumidifier for my 5x5 lmao.

Im known for overkill tho, my exhaust fan is a fuckin 8in for the 5x5 :joy::man_facepalming:t2:


A good trick is to strap some ducting up against the air outlet on the dehumidifier and feed the other end through one of the socks in yer tent. It’ll bring your humidity down and supply nice warm air. Two for the price of one.


i ended up getting this one thanks everyone

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