Best Budget Dehumidifer for 4x8 tent?


Looking for a budget Dehumidfier. Right now mainly at 60 will sometimes get in the 70s which has me a little concerned. Would like to bring it down to 40-50 range.

I do live in a humid hot climate, especially this time of year. Any other tips to keep the levels down would be much appreciated. Thank you OG!!!


Depending on room size will determine how big of a dehumidifier you’ll need . Don’t make the mistake of buying too small of one.


:point_up: This guy would know.

I’d also suggest that this is something to spend money on and not cheap out. And I’m cheap :+1:

AC is another possibility depending.


If you set up some Craigslist alerts/searches you can snag a great deal if you don’t need the dehumidifier immediately. I ended up getting a GE model that pulls down 50 pints/24hrs for $40. Been going strong for over a year since I got it. If you need it for your current grow this is probably a less palatable option but if you do go used, make sure to test it and inspect well to get a feel for how many hours it has on it. You can also search the model/serial and see when it was manufactured to get a better sense.


Up your temp maybe as temporary fix help keep you out of danger zone
Just remember to slightly lower ppm as they drinking more


My recently purchased 50 pint dehumidifier is capable of pulling the RH in my 100sqft room down to 50% even when the ambient humidity is 95% and the temp is high 80’s. I don’t recall the brand name off hand, some rando Chinese knockoff with a low price and good reviews on the AmZone.

One “must have” feature is a Humidistat control that allows you to set a specific humidity target rather than a range. If there’s any way you can swing it, install a direct drain to empty the extracted water outside. That way you can just set it and forget it rather than needing to empty the “bucket” manually.
