Delayed Notifications

Is anyone else having issues with notifications? All day i’ve been getting delayed notifications, including to posts/likes that i read hours earlier and posts that are unrelated to me. I’m up to date on reading a thread and then 30 minutes later it gives me a notification to a post 20 posts up. Is it just me or is anyone else experiencing the same?


Me too as well also

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that would explain why i keep missing all the giveaways.


I’m also having that issue.

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Yup! There is a gremlin in here somewhere! :joy:

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:joy: I always put also before as well also as well!


same here. duplicate late notifications


Real bad for wikis right now lol I didn’t get notified when a single person added themselves. Had to keep checking back.


I promise y’all a little bit that I’m pretty fairly sure I’m not the one that broke it! …. Mostly. I guess it’s better than the 403 forbidden flu that was floating around earlier? Maybe?

Yes, and as @other_barry says, duplicate late notifications. It’s been happening for a couple of weeks. Mostly the duplicates are for “Earned ‘Nice Reply.’” Today alone I got four for the same reply, each time with 10 hearts. I think the same thing may have happened yesterday. I know it’s happened previously at least once.


Is the notification for replies or is is just somebody liked a post of yours 20 post up? You get a notification for each like.
Is this on phones? I haven’t had issues but I use my laptop.

i dont get notifications because no one talks to me.

sad pablo gif


Yep. Same.

Though I was so busy at work this week I thought it was just my brain so thanks for the confirmation that i’m not that cray-cray!


Yeah the site slowed to a crawl and then went down for me yesterday for like 2 minutes around 1:50pm GMT. When it came back the 1-2 minutes later, it’s been delayed notifications ever since. @LemonadeJoe

Yesterday was bad on and off all day.:roll_eyes::slightly_frowning_face::face_with_monocle:

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I agree I have also been having these notifications. I’ll acknowledge them and then 20 minutes later all the same notifications again


I have also noticed the site has been having trouble loading youtube link previews. Something unusual seems to be going on.

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Some server misconfiguration happened during regular update… :frowning: Sorry for that. It should be corrected now.


some glitches here in the states, but can’t thank you enough for this amazing site…really brings tears to my eyes, thinking this was my home…all the years never finding the right community, and bam…this one was invited to me…thank you for everything