What is going on, why so slow?

Anyone else getting ridiculous loading times, and not getting notifacations???
Just started happening a couple weeks ago, both on my phone and comp… getting pretty annoying


the NSA needs to buy more bandwidth


Try going through and clearing cookies and caches and such… From time to time I get a little lagging


I’ve been noticing that my current message pointer in threads I’ve read hasn’t been updating correctly. Maybe cache dump fix this too?


My phone clears cookies automatically everyday, and it’s just the same when I use my comp.
I notice that I don’t seem to get many notifications unless I’m @'d most of the likes I get don’t show up in notifications, just see them if I scroll through


Same here, get some but not all


On the East coast I’ve noticed occasional hiccups where I can’t connect to the server. Over about the same timeframe of several weeks. But, has been fast when connected.


Yea probably our shitty east cost connection, the damn wind blows and the power goes out around here…


Most of the time load on our server is pretty low and hardware is suitable. But occasionally there are lags (can take few seconds or even tens of seconds). I’ve identified that they are caused by our upload routine. Part of the upload process is creating thumbnail images of multiple sizes (these help quick viewing of topics). All these image processing operations are very CPU intensive.

To give you an idea in worst scenario user uploads 30 photos at once (that is 100 Megabytes of picture data). These photos need to be processed with priority (so that uploader can continue with post editing process). It can take up to 3 minutes to do the resizing work on the server side. During this time majority of other web requests (80%) (for pure post reading) is queued to be processed after upload is done. So 20% of requests for viewing posts are processed with few seconds delay. But another 80% wait for maybe one or two minutes. These are probably the lags that you are experiencing. Fortunately uploads intensive like this example happen only rarely… much more frequent are quick uploads of say 3 - 5 photos at once and these only make others wait for about 5 - 10 seconds until your request is fulfilled by the server…

I can only ask our members to upload photos in smaller batches (say 5 photos max). Wait for it to process and then upload another batch.

I’m aware that user experience for uploading is not the best one (I don’t think there is any other site using same software with so intensive photo usage) and I’ll try to address that in future updates. I think that OG would also deserve more powerful hardware if our current growth continues during next year.

This is another subject. What exactly do you mean by “not getting”? Will they show up on your avatar at top right corner?


Well I guess all that means I need to quit blaming…Black Friday, Super sale Saturday and Cyber Monday for slow net speeds. Lmao!! :v:t2:

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:clap: Something about this makes me proud :slight_smile:

This part makes me feel guilty though. :blush:



Yea, not many show up by my avatar, but say I go look on my threads or else where, I notice that there are a bunch of likes from people, that I wasn’t aware of because most of them don’t show up green by my avatar. No big deal really, but I do like to know who likes me lol.
Mostly the loading times is what bugs me as I’m impatient haha. But lately sometimes I have to wait for a good 20 seconds for a page to load. Not all the time but sometimes


I also don’t get notifications from time to time normally just likes or when I’m responded to without a @

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I have noticed this exact issue.

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I haven’t noticed anything with notifications outside of how I have them set up (only get notifications for the first in a post per day, which means once I check it I won’t see the rest that day). I have heard of others having issues though, including to the point of some believing they’ve been shadow banned.


I think it may be related to where the server is located. I haven’t got any of those problems until now, maybe because Spain’s proximity to it. Should be interesting to see if any of the EU members (UK included ) has got any of these problems you mention … :sunglasses:

Lol, I’ve just recently heard about this, and never knew it was a thing.
I’m not gonna lie, after hearing about this it did have me wondering…but I don’t think I’ve ever pissed anyone here off, not on purpose anyways :rofl:


I am also not getting notifications on a big percentage of the likes my posts get.


Typically you only receive a notification for the first like on a post. Sometimes if someone is going through your post and liking 10 in a row for some reason those will show up. Just what I’ve noticed.


Runs smooth and fast for me, and I use VPN too. I see most of my likes, but once in a while I do not.