Delta-9-THC vs 11-Hydroxy-THC

Could very well be!

I eat my decarb straight up pure and dry, but then use coconut oil on my breakfast toast, sandwiches and cook with it too, I often mix it with butter and extra virgin olive oil, just a little of each.

Also if you eat it dry, you get a bunch of fiber included too, which helps making it slow release so I’m good all day, if you dissolve it in coconut oil it’s probably faster release so might get more of a spike than a flatter curve when it comes to effect.

Health is all about balance and diversity.

Everything in moderation, including moderation. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


That is absolutely fascinating and although I’ve been reading scientific papers on cannabis, its effects and different dosing and interesting regionens für medicals users, I’be never ever heard of that.
Thank you!


Welcome to OG! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

This place is cutting edge, pioneers and trailblazers all over the place.
I’m definitely not the only one, the richness of this place is vast!


Added the folllowing to the first post:

Reprogramming all your thinking patterns is also vital.
Negative thoughts attract more negative thoughts, which manifest as sickness.
Positive thoughts attract more positive thoughts, which manifest as wellbeing.
Really gotta be vigilant and aware of every negative thought that passes by and create a positive thought instead. Keep this up long enough and miracles happen.

Gratitude is extremely powerful as well.

11-Hydroxy-THC seems to help make this much easier.
But once again, the combination with all the other cannabinoids is what makes it all happen.

All this utterly changed my life for the better and I am more and more the kinda person I like to be.

We are eternal beings temporarily experiencing being human, death is just a birth into another frequency of existence. The more you tune into that frequency while still alive, the more it rejuvinates and heals.


True words. When you are truly grateful for what is actually important, you’re life is forever changed. It’s not what you have it’s who cares for you as much as you care for them. It’s not hating, but loving, the person looking back in the mirror. Then it becomes "How much joy am I bringing into others lives. That’s when the true magic happens in my opinion. When you make a decision to go out of your way to lift others out of whatever pit they find themselves in, it can’t help but create, yet another, reason for not hating that guy looking back at you in that glass. That is a happy side effect of an act of kindness.


Added this to the first post, from this thread: Tell me what you know about Life

It’s like this, but can be hard to swallow that truth, however more and more people are realizing this fact.
The point is to identify as the infinite force that keeps your body alive and rejuvinates it.
Pain, disease and suffering is a result of years and generations of thinking negatively of yourself and others. It accumulates in our DNA.

You can not think negatively of others without thinking negatively of yourself.
And you can not think positively of another without thinking positively of yourself.

This is oversimplification, it’s more complex ofcourse, some people are born with disorders from birth, and that may be a result of karma from previous lives, or a conscious decision on a soul level before birth, in order to learn from limitations and whatever other reasons.
We keep suffering until we learn and change the way we think and discover the eternal truth of ourselves.
Which can be quite a challenge in a world where we are often surrounded with negative thinking.

It can take a while to reprogram yourself through positive I AM affirmations, effectively reconstructing neural pathways in the brain.

Make sure your I AM statements are always immediate and in the present, don’t project into the future;
I AM going to… doesn’t change a damn thing.

Saying “I AM healthy” while you’re still sick activates healing forces in the body.
Accept that which is necessary to heal ofcourse, don’t discard medicine if they make sense, but rather use this in parallel with whatever other help you deem necessary to heal.

Cannabis and mushrooms make this easier and act like a lubricant, a softener to those rigid old neural pathways.


I am am firm believer in what you are saying. Whenever someone is mean to me I know now it is just a reflection of themselves and what’s going on in their life. The same can be said about me to others. Whenever I find myself being negative towards others I now try to look inside to see what I need to fix in myself.


That is definitely the way to go about it, making the choice to love the ones we don’t agree with, and knowing that we all have a dark side, but nourishing and stimulating our light side instead.


Yes, it helps me to not respond with anger and instead feel for them and their pain. Really helped me not to let negativity enter my life.


I’ve heard people say that “such and such WILL happen” locks it into the future and it will just keep being that future carrot until you bring it into now/already happened with such and such is done. Be thankful too if you can muster it up to add to the feeling that it has already happened.


I agree, when you think positively and be open minded to the sativa vs indica effect the placebo affects are much stronger.


I just decide that whatever I grow is perfect for me and is exactly what I need at all times. :smile:


What does healing sound like you may ask?

Listen, it all helps stimulate your consciousness into healing and knowing that all is well.

It is that trust in healing, in your own ability to heal that is so vitally important and powerful.


Embrace your foolishness, it’s the funniest part of you.- Sejeluho


@Rogue idk if you’ve ever tried delta 11 thc in a vape format or dab format, but apparently it exists now. :flushed:

I have to do more research into how they make it in concentrated form, but in my personal experience my high tolerance was ignored and I got an edible quality high for about 4 hours off 1 puff. Peak lasted an hour too. Though the vape I took a picture of isn’t pure delta 11. It’s a mix of thcb, delta 11 thc, thch, and delta 8 thc. In that order of concentration. It was mixed with a pineapple tasting terpene profile. I can’t remember the strain name they took it from atm.



Delta 9 or 11 hydroxy? Which is it?

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11 hydroxy. No lie it straight up felt like an edible when vaped.

I guess they found a way to synthesize it, doing what the liver normally does.
Which brings me to ponder… why pay for something your liver does for free? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

All this effort to make extracts and concentrates, to then mix them back together… while it was all already together in the first place. :upside_down_face:

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Honestly convenience really. I’ve been able to try all kinds of different cannabinoids to better understand whats actually happening to my body when I smoke and what’s responsible for each feeling.