Tell me what you know about Life

I am going to assume based on the fact Extraterrestrials are here on earth, ET’s have more or use more brain power that we mere humans are currently using… Who truly knows what the human brain is truly capable of?

With this assumption I can only conclude that there is no way ET’s as a whole would reach out to us ignorant humans stuck in an infant like stage in the evolution of life…

Instead of a Renaissance where humans all come together to share information and thoughts freely so that mankind can grow and flourish exponentially generation after generation along with all of earth’s inhabitants while not polluting the very planet that provides our very subsistence … … …

Ya never mind… You get the point!

However, I am sure ET’s do watch us …

Probably Label the “Earth Channel” as a “Sad Comedy”.

I am sure ET’s have seen the original “War of the worlds”.
Human’s by nature always F it up… Haven’t you seen “The 100” :wink:

All that and…

Happy Monday :call_me_hand:

Hopefully this is just comedy and not a sad comedy…


All life is precious. Live like it’s your last day


:cowboy_hat_face:I Am 81 years young and have lived fullness of those years only have 24 years more to go than i will be taking the big elevator upstairs :mage:


Material things don’t matter. They are transient illusions meant to distract us from the divine. People, our relationships with them and our shared experiences represent true wealth and our impact upon each other through those relationships and shared experiences represents immortality.


I went in a really deep K-hole

I visualized a flowing stream, consisting of liquid light - like plasma. And realized that is all of life, flowing together, in the moment. And that our mind-clutter are like boulders in the stream, obstructing the flow and causing ripples. That we need to just let go and let flow.

Then I saw what I later learned to be the earliest hyroglyph - the circumpunct.
A dot with the circle around it.
I realized that our ancestors were trying to communicate to us the lesson they learned about life - that we are both the dot and the circle. That the universe is both the dot and the circle.
So that we are the universe observing itself. We are the point looking outward to the universe(circle) and we are also the universe (circle) looking within all that is the universe, which is also us. And that we flux in between perceiving ourself as the singular point within the universe, and that we are the circle as a whole looking inward at the singularity we become.

Yay for K


I used to have to take dilaudid, the strongest opiate after fentanyl, for back pain.
Then after getting into mushrooms I realized how much my mind manifests that pain.
Im now opiate free going on 8yrs.


There is only “One Absolute” in life. “Stop moving and you’re dead”


Zazen monks prove otherwise. :smile:

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I have it tattood as part of a symbol I designed, it’s also the symbol for the sun or any star.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful insight, I fully agree.

Stillness is the ruler of movement.

It’s like this, but can be hard to swallow that truth, however more and more people are realizing this fact.
The point is to identify as the infinite force that keeps your body alive and rejuvinates it.
Pain, disease and suffering is a result of years and generations of thinking negatively of yourself and others. It accumulates in our DNA.

You can not think negatively of others without thinking negatively of yourself.
And you can not think positively of another without thinking positively of yourself.

This is oversimplification, it’s more complex ofcourse, some people are born with disorders from birth, and that may be a result of karma from previous lives.
We keep suffering until we learn and change the way we think and discover the eternal truth of ourselves.
Which can be quite a challenge in a world where we are often surrounded with negative thinking.

It can take a while to reprogram yourself through positive I AM affirmations, effectively reconstructing neural pathways in the brain.

Make sure your I AM statements are always immediate and in the present, don’t project into the future;
I AM going to… doesn’t change a damn thing.

Saying “I AM healthy” while you’re still sick activates healing forces in the body.
Accept that which is necessary to heal ofcourse, don’t discard medicine if they make sense, but rather use this in parallel with whatever other help you deem necessary to heal.

Cannabis and mushrooms make this easier and act like a lubricant, a softener to those rigid old neural pathways.


Only when standing outside of “St. Alphonso’s Pancake House”


People are neither good, nor bad, but their actions can be perceived as such. We are each dynamic creatures capable of either extreme depending upon the circumstances and our own interpretation of our options at the moment of decision.


The 7-deadly sins ( pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth) are cardinal and have little to do with religion, the divine or “morality.” They are instead cautionary prohibitions meant to protect one’s own freewill. By succumbing to any of them, we sacrifice the integrity and independence of our decisions and give up freewill.


The more anyone says they know, the less I believe them. None of us know a damn thing about life, because there’s no way to learn anything about life without being a part of life. It’s the same reason people in Times Square can’t see New York City. Do all the drugs or meditate all you want to find the meaning, your insights probably don’t mean jack in the big picture. Or maybe they’re the only things that do matter. How should I know? I’m working with the same feeble human mind as the rest of you, heavily influenced by the stew of chemicals particular to each of our bodies and completely untrustworthy to figure out even something so simple as which way is up.


To be honest I think if I was to see an alien for real my head would explode.


Yes it would be amazing if we humans had the capability to use our brains more effectively. Dolphins for example don’t have some brain abilities we do, but because they don’t they are able to use sonar to talk telepathically and locate prey and danger. Ultimately though I think we would mess this world up more if we had more liberties.


What’s up @Alphatoy, nice to see you again! You’re a legend in my book! :slightly_smiling_face:


"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!” ― - Hunter S.Thompson


nothing is worse for the planet than a human being, except for many human beings.

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No one gets out alive.

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