Moderators of Overgrow

How come the moderators on the website seem completely unable to tolerate public criticism and will delete any sign of it?

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Well then :sweat_smile:…


Maybe because criticizing someone in public, without going to them privately first, is childish and won’t be received well by most of the community. If someone had an issue with you, would you want them to go talk to everyone in your city about it, while you watched them do it? No, probably not. Kinda the same concept here.


They’ve already heard my criticism and ignored it. If I have an issue and someone and they ignore it, I let the public know about their response. Pretty simple concept, usually to hold up accountability.

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Not only that but I run an online community. I hate it when people criticize me but I respond to it reasonably instead of deleting what they have to say and banning them.

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No, we haven’t heard your criticism. We have only seen you harass another member and follow her in multiple topics. That’s not what we tolerate, and you are lucky that it went just with deleting offending (and off topic) posts.

Be more specific, what criticism we ignore?

Btw there is ongoing private discussion between you and Mod team, so I’m not sure what your goal here is…


Look, you have a choice here. You can choose to live with the way forums are run or you can consider looking for a different hang-out that’s more to your liking. You can be welcome here, as most are, or you can be a nail.

You have heard my criticism. Stop lying, sir.

My goal is to ask why you’re so insistent that all criticism be scrubbed from the site, from what I’ve seen.

I’m asking again… Describe the problem, don’t quote some isolated wording.

What criticism we ignore? Please start from the beginning, because I’m really lost here (sorry, but I’m not reading all posts in the forum, that’s nearly impossible).


My criticism has been clear from the start. It’s not my fault you’re not up to date with your moderation team being rude to me and ignoring my feedback and telling me to stop being “a nail.”

You’ve been mistreating people and ignoring their feedback when they want to chat in the free seeds and free clones thread. It’s been throttled for months because of this, from what I can tell.

If you’re not aware of this, you’re not very looped in.

In fact, you gave my friend shit because he dared express his opinion on the subject.

I don’t have much skin in this conversation, but if you do not like how things are run around here in OG then find another home, no one is stopping you from doing so. To bring out the dirty laundry in hopes to gain traction for your cause is not the way to approach such an issue. Just saying.


If I am invited to someone’s house for dinner and I think the food was terrible I don’t complain and tell them that. I smile and thank them for the invite, not go tell all their friends that they are terrible cooks.


And here’s mine… Meesh has been around longer and much more respected and hands on member of this forum.

We aren’t gonna help you when we see you attacking someone because youre on the bottom rung of an imaginary broken ladder and you can’t seem to get up…

Notice we haven’t deleted this yet? Wonder why that is?


Man I don’t even wanna respond cause I hate seeing these but this again? Hasn’t this dead horse gotten the shit kicked out of it enough?

There’s rules anywhere you can imagine in life and that sucks so you’re left with two options, deal with it or move on, anything else is a waste of time and energy.


Some chatter is expected in the FCFC thread but there need to be some limits. I get annoyed by it too sometimes but that’s how it works.

I didn’t see these personal attacks but if it’s true you are in the wrong.

Also note that @toastyjakes takes public criticism from me very well including his total disregard for inflation or stance on gas prices.


Lol, if you don’t like a website maybe you just don’t navigate to it…I’ve been here awhile and have had zero issue with mods. I’ve been told to get in line once or twice. Just say okay and move on.


Aside from the horseplay, this thread is about what, not being able to chat in FSFC and being upset with the mods about that?


there’s a chat thread


Lol…is that what this is about!? :rofl:.

Didn’t this conversation happen six months ago…


Not gonna sugar coat anything.

You seem to be the problem. Not the moderators.