Did I get a fake HLG?

Just had a look doug. It looks like its real.
Just took a closer look, im not sure but I wonder if its been reconditioned .


No worries, I just realized it also says Horticultural Lighting Group on it. It could have been reconditioned or have some kind of driver issue. I don’t know that there is an issue at all really. He says he has grown under them a couple times with decent results and the only thing that brought the light into question was a light reading off a phone app. Those apps are notoriously bad depending on many factors such as the phone being used so I would not go by that too much. A killawatt plugged in between the wall and driver is a great first step to see what kind of power it’s drawing.


Your right Doug those apps arnt very reliable. But looking at the board there is a screw missing in one corner and some of the screws seem to have a different top. I dont think hlg would do that.


HMM, hard to say. Could have been a kit someone built or could be a refurb. No real way to tell.


This is what I said earlier. Those potentiometers that control dimming are notoriously inaccurate as well.


Yes indeed. I use one to dial in my lights and they are fantastic, much more accurate then the setting on the dimmer knob. Now I have an actual par meter so I use it but those killawatts are great to have.


Update for y’all. I ordered a kil-a-watt meter and it looks like the guy before me had it turned all the way down. Turning it to the right seems to decrease wattage which is strange. It was only pushing out 151.2 watts until I took the driver off and turned it up. Now I’m at 248 which is much better but I thought these would push 280? Either way I’m stoked at adding another 100 watts to my grow. I knew I wasn’t getting the results I should be with the things I’ve heard about this light.


That driver is rated for 240W, hence the 240H in the driver name. Now it’s really working. :+1::seedling:


There you go, looks like you got it sorted. Congrats.


Email them all your photos of the unit
@DougDawson told me raise my light i was stubborn till I say bleached leaves over an over email hlg got 1 back in 10 min on a fri nite


They do have great customer service, glad you got your lighting sorted out bud. You may want to take down your email address :wink:


Is this too close @DougDawson

Thanks. I knew something was wrong when the TS600 seemed brighter than the HLG

Most of tge companies are great if you can email them tge right way you can get free advice to free merchandise lkl

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HLG does sell the DIY kits, the issues with hardware could very well be in the assembly.


Yeah the way the potentiometer I think it’s called is set up turning it to the left turns it higher, while turning it all the way to the right lowers it. It’s counterintuitive and if the original owner didn’t know to change he prolly just thought it sucked lol. The person who assembled it had turned it all the way down. It does throw off quite a bit more heat but I’m not upset because the room has concrete floors and gets chilly.

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I just noticed. On my light.
The model says XLG …lol?happy to hear about your light ! Good job!

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