Did the act of cultivating help you mentally? And How exactly?

I find my tent garden more therapeutic than my berries and peppers. I just got done planting a couple clones, watering my bonsai moms, did a little maintenance pruning and stuck some cuttings into plugs to root. It’s past 3:30am, like almost two hours flew by and I feel rested almost like I got up from a nap. Now trying to get to bed.


Growing has definitely given me some calming benefits.


It’s definitely helped my state of mind. I also really enjoy houseplants (especially cacti/succulent types that can take some neglect). Some houseplants are quite rare and in demand - people will buy just a cutting for hundreds of dollars! It’s quite interesting.

I honestly grow mostly for my partner with multiple medical conditions, I am a super lightweight and sometimes I’d rather just have a CBD dominant. Even if I completely decided not to use any myself, I’d still get enjoyment from growing! I always feel a little guilty cutting the plants down in the end, though.


I love your screen name :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Great question. I cherish time w my plants! It is my current most consistant form of personal therapeutic time. I do give my canna plants more attention but I get just as much joy from my outdoor garden. I spend many introspective hours turning soil, pulling weeds, and fighting pests…there something about finding perspective and personal connection in this time that I think has specific therapeutic benefits.

It’s also a privilege that I try for stay aware of and thankful for; I imagine if I had to survive from the food I grew, I might have a slightly different relationship to growing!


In Japan doctors will prescribe Shinrin Yocu to people suffering stress.
It means forest bathing, nothing to do with water, just about immersing yourself in the forest environment.
Apparently the phytoncides released by plants and trees are also beneficial to us, in particular with reducing stress.

Personally, I love growing cannabis, I definitely feel less stressed when I have soil in my hands, even just the smell of good fresh soil relaxes me.
I love the different varieties, the treasure hunting through seeds, fine tuning and tweaking the environment.
But also I have to say over the decades its brought me some serious stress and heartbreak, Ive had to cull whole crops over landlords, lost cuttings that were really important to me on a personal level.
Ive literally felt heartbreak and loss from growing cannabis that I can only compare to relationships with friends and family.
But I love it and will never stop, Im still 100% illegal and proud to do what I do.
As well as helping me de-stress, growing cannabis has also thought me patience, discipline and how to plan properly.