Marijuana Superpowers!?

You guys ever feel like you got marijuana superpowers?

I was at a bar a couple of nights ago, and overheard this group of friends plotting to grow weed in their patio at home, and they were talking about buying seeds and all. Sorry to say, but they were so ignorant and naive… People think you just drop a seed and voila!

I wanted to go over to them and tell them a few things, like i dunno much, but i am extremely knowledgeable compared to them… Bad thing i couldn’t…

Have you guys ever felt like this before, you have a story where you knew you could help and just couldn’t do it…

We are talking about growing marijuana!



Not sure if related but my vision seems more clear and almost seems like I have "Spider-Man " enhanced senses!


I have learned to wait till asked, most wish to appear knowledgeable so take being corrected as an insult. I think it is connected with the phenomenon of every grower thinking their way is the best way. If being silent helps them be happy then i am happy to help. :grin:


I try to explain to people that when I can’t take cannabis it’s like Popeye without his spinach.


I get the incredible super power of STFU , I just want to tell the noobs what they’re in for. But I don’t want to hear the coming objections. Things like …but what if I… Or can’t I just

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I wasn’t gonna tell them anything at all… I just wished i could help, they were doomed. The way they were saying they were gonna do things was really bad! HAHAHA


I have to stop myself all the time… I get to hear all kinds of stuff from oven drying to using Kool aid to make purple buds because that’s what my old hippie uncle said or whatever … it’s crazy



That’s the kinda of a thing i am talking about! HAHAHAHA Kool Aid!


It’s funny in both a humorous way and a peculiar way that the Kool aid coloring thing persists. Some species of flowers (not the one we are most interested in) are colored up with dyes,mum’s and chrysanthemum and others I’m sure but never the pleasant weed

That’s true too. Maybe it does something or not, i dunno, I wouldn’t dare to throw KoolAid in my grow and risk ruining it. Maybe it’s just me, but i would get Dark Devil or Red Poison by Sweet Seeds or Ninja Fruit by Ocean Grown, maybe even GDP by GDP and look for a good pheno, those are sure fire ways to get some purple in your life, but grape KoolAid, i dunno… I have seen it in youtube tho!

So many faked videos it’s like a carnival side show, P.T. Barnum said there’s a sucker born every minute


sometimes just planting a seed is the best course of action, you could plan and prepare til the cows come home or just do it and learn along the way and get some bud too !

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I like when you explain things like veg, flower cycle, sexing, lighting, ventilation when they think indoor is putting it on a windowsill most people’s eyes glaze over because it requires research, reading, learning, discipline. That’s why there are growers and those that only buy others Work.
Back in early 70s most knew NOTHING about growing, sure we put bagseed in the woods half heartedly. It wasn’t until later in the 70s when I moved to California did I see what the real deal is.


It’s always fun to visit a hydro store and listen to noobs knowing it all…

I just have to chuckle to myself.

As far as super powers? I have been so high I felt like I could HEAR colors lol.
My personal favorite is feeling like I am one with a piece of furniture though lol


That actually sounds more like Salvia Divinorum than anything else… HAHAAH!

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Take out a piece of paper.

Write OVERGROW.COM on it.

Hand the piece of paper to them, smile and go about your business.



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There are many sites on the internet to learn to cultivate, reading will only make things a little easier but until you spend at least 5 years cultivating you will have some decent harvests, in Costa Rica it is very normal to hear people like the one you mention, and yes, it is better to ignore them . In any case what is the mania of wanting to “help”, people you do not even know, maybe a little ego rejoicing?

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That sounds like something i would like to do but, they might take a picture of you or something. And… In any case i would like to do it, but i wouldn’t you know…

I hear ya, where we live it might even be dangerous. I get what you’re saying yeah.

This is one the great things about, because we might not know each other personally, and there a bunch of people that actually do; we get to help each other and trade seeds or give them away just because…

Let’s keep it here at overgrow… LOL