Anyone ever listen to what their plants are telling them?

i just read an article about how plants make sounds when they’re stressed, either need water or recently cut. it was 20-100khz so we can’'t hear them, but if they make sounds it has to vibrate and i wonder if anyone has picked up on that.


I believe in energy work and often have a sense of if or if not the plants are stressed out sometimes before they start presenting physically.

Others say trust you’re gut but we’re all just a bunch of confused energy controlling a jelly computer that’s running a meat machine. :man_shrugging:


That’s real interesting, I’ve heard plants love music so I think there’s something to sound and vegetation. My plants seem to always say “smoke me, smoke me”. All I can do is oblige.,choice%20for%20ultimate%20plant%20stimulation.

Here’s an article which states plants love Jazz.


I talk to my plants every day and I truly believe it makes a difference. I may just be high but I it makes me happy to talk to them so I will continue.

The articles I have read say that plants give off sounds in frequencies we cannot hear but they can be compressed to a range we can hear and they sound like pops. They make more of these sounds if thirsty or stressed. I would love to be able to hear these sounds but with all the plants, fans, exhaust, etc I doubt it would be possible.


Here’s an interesting video I saw of Swami describing how he communicates with his plants. He states he listens to the plants to tell him when it’s chopping time, which seems nuts.

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This is the truest statement… haha




I will say this, nothing makes me feel more at peace then a barefoot hike in the woods. The sounds, the smells, the energy. There is something to it. I get some great feeling from my grow but not near the same as when surround by nature with feet on the earth.


I think we’re like jellyfish in a landsuit made out of meat.


I would smoke a J to that! :call_me_hand:


See that to me is what heaven is supposed to look like.


of course you suplement them with extra carbondioxide when you speak to them

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I’ve found that if you grow an orchid with your plants :wink:, you are much more intune to what they want. Orchids are immortal, that is they will not die ever, unless you kill it. Those things scream when they are hungry…listen carefully to the breeze…can you hear your orchid? Hmmm?


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I listen to my plants all the time. They tell me what to do. They’re pretty bossy actually.



i’ve got tinnitus, can’t hear shit.


Buuuzzzz! :wink: I love orchids bro!!

The one in the current grow is this pink slightly rose smelling one…it’s a beast, keeps pushing shooters and leaves and I have about 6 new buds on it…high hopes for the the beauty :nerd_face:!!


Interesting. I am him, lol. My brother from another mother. I too noticed all these things. If you love your plants they will love you back.
He observed that when he plants sprouts with longer roots the tips of the roots go immediately towards the sides of the soil in the hole you poked. It’s difficult to plant the tip of the root down in the bottom of the hole is what I am saying here. You have to wiggle the sprout to get it to the bottom of the finger hole. I never thought this was any kind of plant action taking place… I always figured it had something to do with magnetics/ positive negative charge of the root vs the soil. Water flows from greater to lesser concentrations in nature…roots have more water than the soil. Anyway,that’s been my thinking.