DIY Organic Nutrients

Hey OG’ERS :wave:

I’m posting this here because I get questions all the time about Organic Nutrients, mostly what and how questions…

To make my life & yours easier, I’ll post some things that are super easy, dirt cheap and actually work that are Organic Nutrients for our Cannabis plants…

Everything I’ve posted here I’ve done myself.
Links provided are here because the Orginal poster did a better job explaining it…

Here is goes:

Potassium (Quick Release Nutrient)

Organic Source: Bannana Peels (Black or Yellow)

1 Bannana Peel Chopped ( Chopped, diced or whole ) and 2 cups of water boiled on the stove top for 5 mins…
Allow water to cool & use immediately.
Can stay in fridge for a few weeks.

Usage: One Tablespoon per Gal of water.

Potassium (Slow Release Nutrient)
Organic Source: Bannana Peels (Black or Yellow)

Bake XXXX number of Bannana peels In the oven at 300°f untill they turn black and crispy.
Allow to cool, then grind them in a coffee grinder, allow the Bannana grinds to fully dry out before keeping in a sealed jar.
Shelf stable for atleast 6 months.

Usage: One Teaspoon per Gal of Soil.

** CalMag+ (Quick Release Nutrient)**


If you have worms in the soil would banana skins chopped up but not boiled or baked work the same?


Similar yes, would also take alot longer then boiling and feeding the water.

Worms will take weeks.


:+1:t2: Sometimes in summer I just toss banana peels outside in a safe place to dry out for a few days then grind them up or add into soil. Or let peels sit in plain water (in a cool place or room temp)for a week then use that water at a 1/10 ratio.
They say it helps with aphids but I can tell you aphids don’t care about banana peels but maybe I go to light :man_shrugging:t3:


You get more K in Grapefruit skins and you can cook them up to charcoal the same as banana skins but if like eating bananas more than grapefruit stick with the nanas :+1:


Honestly, K is in almost every organic input. Kelp, aloe, coconut water, malted barley.