Do you fertilize differently when making seeds?

Just wondering if the plant making seeds will demand higher/different levels of nutrients. I’m sure there is science that says so, but just curious if it really matters that much, practically speaking.


Good question!
:green_heart: :seedling:


Honestly I use Expert gardener water soluble fertilizer for seed runs. It’s dirt cheap and since I grow in coco I just run it the same as my normal plants. But I don’t use anything from my seed runs so I don’t care about the quality of the flowers or trichs. Plus it’s enough to make a nice healthy seed so that’s all I care about.

Now if you wanted to save the plant material to make hash or something then you may want to use something a little better.


I was just thinking about that for the seed run I am doing.
:green_heart: :seedling:


From what I got during my seed run people said just feed as normal and that worked fine. That said I am by no means an expert. I would think that in nature they would not get a food change while seeding. What do you think @lefthandseeds and @DannyTerpintine ?


Last seed run I did used a 7/7/7 tomato fertilizer. My regular feed is 5/15/14


I just feed my plants normal I don’t want to upset anything


no i feed normally


Well, compared to what I’m smoking yes. I do 3 weeks plain water for my smoke. With seeds it’s feed to the end.

But just in general most or less the same. Maybe 5-10% stronger ppms than normal. If I do the same as normal I may get slight deficiencies imo - and I like to make sure the seeds have what they need.


I have organic soil and additives. I have been dumping it after each gets finished. For the seed run I want to figure out reg soil and chemicals as they won’t be smoked or eaten to make sure they are getting everything as needed.
I have no normal for this :laughing: So am trying to learn and dial in before I start.
All ideas are being listened to.
:green_heart: :seedling:

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Peat first the seedling has enough to sustain until 3-4 weeks.

Go into pro mix hp

Then you start normal growth schedule but add phosphorus early on during vegetation until the end.

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feed normal as if no seeds, the plants themselves can be in a corner somewhere
the plant has the same needs as plants that are un seeded, treat seeded plants the same, except the buds stop thc production and switch to seed production

Maybe half dose, I wouldnt waste my nutes on a seeded plant

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I don’t know if it’s needed but I always give seeded plants a bit more nitrogen so I can keep them green longer and make sure all the seeds ripen.


It’s easier to make seeds than grow great buds…don’t worry about fertilizer, just give them what you give regular flowering plants.


I pollinate individual buds so I can get a flower plant with some seeds in it. I change nothing.


I’m working on my first seed run as well. I’m used to working with Promix BX and then adjusted feeding schedule based on my (usual) hydroponics cycle.

However, I recently read BOG’s “Bonanza of Green” book cover-to-cover in a single sitting and decided that I’m going to use his method for this. So it’s a double testing situation but I’m not worried because BOG’s method is a ramped up version of what I do with my potted plants and bonsai so it’s not a steep learning curve for me what-so-ever.

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Just run them longer than you think you need to. I like to give my seeds 8ish weeks from pollination. They get huuuuge


Yep. I think best policy is wait until you can squeeze many fully ripe seeds easily out of a bud and then give it another week for insurance.


Thanks for all the replies. It more or less confirms what I had suspected.