How do you feed your plants?

How do you feed your plants?

Do you feed Full Strength every watering?
Do you feed water feed?
Do you feed water, water feed?
Do you feed at half strength every watering?
Do you feed at full strength once a week?

Which is the better solution for feeding in Peat Moss and Perlite at a 50/50 ratio


I feed, water, feed, water, etc. Usually at half strength with my chosen nutes, but I also watch my plants to see if they need more or less nutes. If they need more then I’ll go up to full strength for one feeding. If they need less, I’ll skip a feeding and give water instead. Whether feeding or watering they get a generous amount of calcium and magnesium.

I should note that my soil is amended with EWC, so that’s a secondary nutrient source.


I feed every 3 days pushing the ec as far as I can until I see a negative reaction. The only time my plants get water only is if I see nutrient burn and need to clean the coco or the final 2 week flush (not really necessary and I don’t think it’s needed but it’s how I was taught) :+1:


I think it is important to keep in mind that differences in media, nute choice and growing methods necessarily make a difference in the feeding schedule, so you are going to get a lot of different answers. They are all right.


ya i agree with using less strength than reccomended im not sure if thats just paranoia but iv always done that, prob at 75% nothing worse than overfeeding imo and agreed ur medium makes a ton of dif, id never feed 100% off the label reccomendation for hydro, i like to stick with organics which are much more forgiving


I’m at week 4 bloom with my pure ak and the ec is up to 3.0 (1500 ppm) megacrop and the plants are loving it. Obviously I’d not recommend doing this in soil as soil will hold onto nutrients where as coco won’t. I’ll up the feed again next week and see how she takes to it :+1:


Literally twice what I feed in coco with MC - mine got a burn at EC 2.1. Why cant mine be that hungry? I want to force feed them into obesity.

To the OP: generally, in coco, I feed every watering, unless they are getting a burn. In dirt I used to alternate between feed and water. As I understand it, peat based mixes get finer over time and hold on to more stuff, including water, so feeding every watering may pile up since you are letting them dry out. Not an issue in coco.


Genetics and strain make all the difference. I have some sweet skunk running and they don’t like high ppm/ec. Anything above 2.0 and they show a negative reaction. It makes it a pain in the ass at feeding time as I have to mix 2 batches (or add more megacrop once I’ve fed the less hungry plants)


Holy s#!t! :open_mouth: I emailed greenleaf nutes and hopefully they send me a sample bag in a couple weeks.


You won’t be disappointed with megacrop mate. To be fair though with nutrients less is more but I like to really push my plants to the absolute limit. In a week or 2 I’ll need to cut the mega crop and start with a 2 part bloom nutrient to have more control over the nitrogen levels until flush time. It’s not a complete start to finish feed as advertised.


Ahhh! Always a catch lol! What do you switch to for bloom?


But it kicks ass in veg?


I use the vitalink coir max/hydro max ranges to finish them off but I don’t use equal amounts as suggested on the bottle. You can do this with most 2 part nutrients. Just read the NPK levels on each bottle and adjust the quantities to lower the nitrogen level. :+1:


Good! That way I can use up my gh micro and bloom nutes lol!


I like to feed with each and every watering.
I asses each plants needs and adjust nutrients accordingly.
I never use full strength.

I grow in soil-less mix.


Top dress with good compost and EWC, dry amendments water-only from beginning to end with some Teas in between and towards the end! Sounds like the beginning of a poem! :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


I feed every water which is every day and use full strength nutrients from the first time the seedlings are fed which is the first time they get watered. No pussy footing around here. Lol
Peace OG


I built a coots mix amended soil with added malted barley powder and biochar.

At the beginning of each cycle a 1/4" top dressing (approximately 10%) of EWC is added. A clover cover crop sown, and mulched with barley straw.

I water every other day. I alternate watering with tea and watering with plain water. I alternate teas between malted barley, coconut water, and neem/kelp. All teas have fulvic acid, aloe or yucca, and silica added.

Another 1/4" top dressing of EWC is done right before flower.

At the end of the cycle, all leaves and stems are chopped up and mulched in the same container. Rinse and repeat.