Do you guys freeze your seeds ? How store them for longer times?

I live in California my apartment is always in the 70’s wife can’t stand the cold so it’s like a jungle in here lol,I’ve popped seeds I’ve had in my cupboard for 10 years


Thank you man,Always on :top:

I don’t know,but I was worried cause got like 10 seeds in their originale package

i’m some frustrated with last 12 seeds i bought and doesn’t popped… so i’m some worried about the storage for the nexts months :slight_smile: i will choose a box and that ziplocks bags on the fridge, maybe with some sillica too ahahhaa “the cautious died by oldage”

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Is it a dedicated fridge you use or your regular everyday use fridge?Someone told me if I use a fridge that gets opened it creates humidity eveytime you open the door and that gets at the seeds and can make them go bad.


Everyday fridge in two different houses over 20+ years. In vials inside tupperware with desiccant packs. Now Im using numbered vials that have gaskets but still in the fridge.


Awesome you just made me 100 times more safe.I’ve been storing my beans in a jar with a humidity pack in my gun safe


For me, I dry for a month, then vacuum pack and store in the fridge.
Here’s a little study on that subject.

Seed storage, small2012.pdf (170.8 KB)



I have stored seeds in a mason jar in a cool basement for 20 years with no drop in germination.

Cool and stable.


hey @LionsNaughtyBeans how will… i be in the same country as you, here i use the same method since 2012 and i have no problems with germination. I put the beans in a Tupperware with silica that is used for cats to pee or oven dried rice, I usually leave it in the original containers but when I don’t have it I put it in used containers as they come with silica in the lid. I leave Tupperware in the back of the fridge today I’m living in a hot city but I’ve also lived in cold cities this method always worked.


Fridge, with a bit of rice in the small jewelry hobby baggies. Recently popped all C99 back cross seeds from the old days. Seeds that are 20 + years old are viable.


thank you guys for the info!!

The rice was a amazing insight… doing it now! :stuck_out_tongue:

i was out of pc doing some test about winterization… :stuck_out_tongue: just drying the filtered bho now :drooling_face: :partying_face:

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I vacuum seal them in Mylar bags and freeze them in a plastic container.


I used to refrigerate my seeds, but did have some reduction in germination rates. I recently had some seeds frozen since ‘98 sent to me and they had almost 100% germination rates. I will be freezing them now.


thanks for all you guys for the thread! a lot of valuable information !


I think something to add would be growing seeds organically. In my experience seeds created using bottles don’t stay viable as long as ones grown organically. Just my opinion though :sunglasses:

Just a question on using fridges and freezers. How do you deal with power outages in your area? Does it cause problems if they thaw and freeze again? Living in Maine we lose power often :confused:

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