Freezing seeds

I’ve recently come across some rare and very hard to find seeds. Unfortunately I won’t be able to grow them anytime soon since I travel a lot for work. I don’t want to lose them so I’m thinking about freezing them. My question is what’s a good freezer to use to store them? Would my refrigerator freezer be good enough? I will be freezing about 200 1.5ml cryogenic tubes in a Nalgene Cryobox. I wouldn’t mind buying a dedicated freezer as long as it’s under $500. Added a picture of the tubes I will be using.


I’ve germinated seeds that I stored in my fridge ( not in the freezer ) for over 15 years. I had them in a vial in a Tupperware container with desiccant packs.


The Swedish seed vault recommends sealed containers at -18C.

I don’t think regular freezers get that cold but I might be wrong.

I have kept mine in a mason jar in a cool dry stable basement for 20 years with no drop in germination.


I recommend finding some willing OG’ers to help you with a preservation run. This should result in some fresh seeds and making some great new OG friends.

Just my .02 and will save you funds from purchasing a new Freezer.

I am all about saving the :moneybag: and creating new beans :call_me_hand:


I agree with above, just store in the fridge. No need to freeze them, they will last for years.


I recently popped so.e seeds I had in my freezer since '96 and they mostly (95%) popped fine. I have had packs go bad after as little as 2 years when not stored correctly so I feel that either the fridge or freezer is better than leaving them out


Whether it’s the fridge or the freezer, what is important is not letting it warm up and get cold again. A consistent temperature is best IME.


Thanks OG. Never gave this a thought. Now I will. No sense wasting seeds. :+1:

I do know for freezing you want to get the water content down or it can damage the seed. From memory it is 6-8% but should probably do a little research on that if you plan to freeze

I agree the fridge is probably good for 15 or maybe 20 years. Freezing probably longer.

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could be over kill, seems for liquid nitrogen freeze .
I have had bag seeds in a jacket , over 100 in a zip lock, for years and years, forgot about them, they all almost popped. I don’t freeze seeds but I have power outages fairly often .

Thanks everyone. It looks like I’ll be putting them in the refrigerator instead. I have 2 mini fridges I’ll be testing out this week and I will choose the one that can maintain the temperature more effectively.

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My friend was given some seeds that were more than five years old, never refrigerated (just kept sealed, cool and dry) and they germinated fine.

Thought it was good for a beginner to use those rather than buy expensive seeds and they were very happy with the first harvest. So, add that 2 cents for what it’s worth.

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