Do you guys freeze your seeds ? How store them for longer times?

The title says everything…

How to improve the lifetime of our seeds ? What u guys doing to make them health for long time ?


My seeds stay locked up in the fridge with a dessicate pack in the container to mitigate any moisture that might come in, unless I’m dicking around with germinating or sending I don’t take them out of the fridge. I think you’d be fine if you went that route

I’ve heard of people freezing them before and also heard that’s a way to kinda trick seeds into thinking they’ve gone through winter so they’re more eager to sprout in spring but idk how much of that is based in science…


Freezer here. Zero germ issues since going that route. Everything still pops.


Wow, thats makes sense, ahn ?

so, on the fridge you mean with the cheeses and juices, not with the meats and hams at bellow 0Cº, right ?

thanks for the answer! :heart: :man_farmer: :brazil:


I keep them in the fridge. I have popped seeds that were stored in the fridge for over 15 years.


that is my major question… put them on Freezer or Fridge ? (idk if out of brazil you guys call that part of the fridge thats makes ice by Freezer, in :brazil: we do ).


100% fridge is cool too. No pun intended. I just thought that as the collection got bigger, the time in which I would get to some of those seeds would be increased. Also, the first time that I even considered this was after trying to germ bag seed that I had worked on collecting over years. Three out of 50+ seeds germinated. Storing them in a briefcase in the attic was a BAD CHOICE! We live, we learn. If you’re storing them cold, you’re ahead of the ballgame.


i did pass through the same situation… i won some seeds years ago from a friend and put on my drawer.

months ago i tryied to pop but no one of them get germinated :frowning:


Cool dark place. NO moisture.


One last thing on this, I’ve gone back and forth from fridge to freezer with some packs as I maybe pop a seed or two or run something multiple times. No issues. Obviously you have to manage the moisture from condensation, etc. Hell, I just learned that you can soak and re-dry seed and it will still sprout. Someone posted that up here as a technique for getting old or stubborn landrace to germ. I tested this idea on accident recently as I soaked a couple seeds but realized that I meant to stagger their germination in order to reverse one. I pulled one out of water that had soaked overnight. Threw it back with some desiccant. When I was ready, I threw it back with water and it sprouted a tail in the cup overnight. Mind blown! Hahah.


awesome, man! what type of desiccant you mean ?


Individually packeted into an airtight container and in the fridge. I also open the box inside the fridge to get seeds out so they don’t see any temperature changes till I use them. Recently someone I gave a packet of original Oldtimer Original release Smile seeds , they was quite old and all germinated from what I’ve been told. It was for preservation purposes and with OT1 support to the same breeder so keep an eye out as there be some OT genetics soon .


I use silica gel packs.


i’m having some troubles with some seeds i bought.

the dealer said its from trikhoma seeds barcelona, even comes with the brand packing, but i tryied to pop the 6 and no one has popped.

one of them has poped a little tail on the water, but when i passed to paper, its back to the shell… i never have see this before.

he did send me a new pack for reposition but the behavior still… 3 of them poped but without power… the tail dont grow more than 1cm… i already tryid pass it to coco and they dont develop… i throw the last 2 on the water two days ago, and now they are on paper… i watering with 5.6ph mineral water… doing everything right…

thats one of the reasons i started this topic… i dont want to lose more money, time and energy, because its disapointing

but I’m already learning thanks to you my friends!

really thankfull for this thread :slight_smile:


Nice !! thanks for the inciative! the comunnity thanks! :heart: Eyes opened here :stuck_out_tongue:
Already looking for a box to keep them safe against moisture :slight_smile:

Really valuable tips guys, thanks for it ! :man_farmer:


Wondering if the autos seeds I bought Need to be stored in fridge or can stay in their originale package in a wood drawer at room temperature as I have ever kept them ??

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Freezer for anything I don’t think I will get to in the next couple of years.


@Andrexl like we said above, its better you put it on fridge. I did already lose some beans this way;

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Keep mine in pill bottles in the cupboard,never had a problem with any of them not opening except for the odd couple like any kind of seeds you won’t get 100% seeds popping

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Maybe the weather influence it. In my country is very hot.

i did lost all of my seeds i stored on the drawcase; :confused: